  • 學位論文


The Study of The Influence of Leadership Traits and Situational Factors on The Leader’s Behavior– High Technology Industry as a Sample

指導教授 : 顧志遠


領導一直是組織行為中最受歡迎討論的課題,從二十世紀之前至今,領導理論隨著時間的演變,從西方古典的領導理論,包括大人物理論及時代精神論,到近代以實證研究為主的領導理論,包括特質理論、行為理論及情境理論,每一個階段都有對領導不同的闡述及理解,但卻也是偏向單一構面的探討。然而領導真的可以用單純的一個構面去討論及研究嗎? 本研究主要是關於領導特質與情境對於領導行為之間的因果關係探討。其中,「因」的部份分又分為先天及後天變數,先天的變數包括生理特質變數及領導特質變數;而後天變數則為情境變數;至於「果」則代表行為變數,也就是關懷型的行為及結構型的行為。為能與文獻資料進行連結,本研究的特質變數參考史托迪的研究發現,而情境變數則是參考豪斯的目標情途徑理論中所定義的情境變數,而行為變數則採用俄亥俄州立大學所研究的兩構面理論中的結構型行為及關懷型行為。在資料收集上,先利用問卷的方式收集各個領導者的特質、領導情境及行為,之後,透過類神經網路的運作,我們可以找出特質變數與情境變數對於行為變數的關聯性。而在研究方法上,本研究捨棄以統計的模式改採用類神經網路,一方面是創新的發想,一方面是想藉由類神經網路不同於一般統計研究的特性來做為行為的分析及驗證。 研究結果顯示,領導情境對於領導行為的相關性影響相對於領導特質及生理特質都來得高,這可以與之後的領導理論發展偏重在情境理論上而有相呼應的結果。而在研究中也可以發現,有些特質與情境與領導者的行為具有相關性,而有些則無。例如:情緒處理及該群體的和諧情況對於領導者的行為是偏向任務導向或者是人際導向有決定性的影響;而領導者是否具有自信心及部屬性格是外控與否則對於領導者的行為影響非常微小。


Leadership is always the popular topic on Organizational Behavior area. From the days before 20 century to now, the leadership theories changed from classical leadership theory includes Great Man Theory and Zeitgeist Theory and then to the modern leadership theory include Trait Theory, Behavioral Theory and Contingency Theory. Even if the modern literatures try to prove their leadership theories but most of the theories focus on the only one dimension. However, could we really find out the mystery of leadership in one dimension? This study is focusing on the relationship between the leader’s traits and situations to the leader’s behaviors. The factors could be innate and acquired. The innate factors include the leader’s physical traits and personal traits and the acquired factors include the situation of the environment. In order to combine the theories of literatures, this study refer to the Stogdill’s study of leader’s traits and find some traits of his research as the traits factors in this study, and refer to House’s situational factors of Path-goal Theory to be the situational factors in thisy study, and then refer to the leaders’s behaviors study of Ohio University as the behavior’s dimensions in this study, one is structure behavior and another is consideration behaviors in this study. The study used the questionnaires to collect data of the leaders’ traits, situation and behaviors, and ran into the operation of Artificial Neural Network, then we found the relationship between these factors. The reason why I decided to adapt the ANN as the methodology are one is innovation, and another is to take advantage of the ANN model’s strengths which differ from the statistics to validate the leader’s behavior. The result of the research shows that the situational factors is higher related to the leader’s behaviors than the factors such as leader’s physical and personal traits, and it seems express that why the development of leadership ‘s goes to contingency theory latterly. Besides, we also can find that some factors affect the leader’s behavior, but some don’t. For examples, emotion control and the harmonious group affect the leader’s behavior trend to the construction or consideration obviously, and if the leader has the confidence or if the subordinate has the external control personality has less influence on leader’s behavior.


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