  • 學位論文


A Study of Legal Rights for Female Marriage Immigrants in R.O.C.

指導教授 : 雷文玫


「女性婚姻移民」(female marriage immigrants)近年來的人數日增,這群來自越南、泰國、菲律賓、印尼、柬埔寨等東南亞國家的女性,進入臺灣的婚姻和家庭,也改變了現有的人口結構。許多尋求歸化的女性婚姻移民不但受限於因居留期間而迫於接受跨國婚姻及臺灣家庭各個層面的父權宰制,更遭受法律暨相關政策的差別待遇,而成為我國新興的弱勢族群。 針對女性婚姻移民受到法律與政策之差別待遇,是否與尚未歸化之女性婚姻移民身為外國人的身分相關?為了解此關聯性,故進而探究我國對於外國人的法律地位的學說見解,並逐一分析「外國人是否為我國憲法基本權主體地位」以及「外國人是否享有我國憲法平等權」這兩個不同層次的問題,以作為論證女性婚姻移民是否享有我國合憲性保障的前提。 基於肯認外國人為我國憲法之基本權主體且享有平等權的結論,但基於憲法並非不得限制外國人之基本權利。惟就限制基本權利的差別待遇仍須符合平等、比例原則的要求,始具有合憲性限制的依據。因此,有必要就現行針對女性婚姻移民差別待遇的法規範暨相關政策擇要,逐一進行合憲性檢驗。 除了法規範差別待遇以外,女性婚姻移民還必須面對我國的普遍社會歧視以及付之闕如的移民政策。在跨國界的移民潮流當中,多元文化主義是一種回應後現代和全球化的取徑,也是許多移民國家作為立法政策的新興價值。本文希冀我國正視日趨形成移民社會的人口結構,並提出未來我國制定移民立法和政策相關建議。


In Taiwan, female marriage immigrants has become an rapidly increasing population in the recent year. According to statistics, from the beginning of 1987 to January 2006, almost 130 thousands females (including the number of people who have already been naturalized and obtained the nationality) came from South East Asia countries Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. Compared with the immigrants that arrived in Taiwan earlier, female marriage immigrants’ lives are confined to their marriage and families. Under the patriarchy structure of their marriage, they are often threatened by domestic violence, and enjoys no real autonomy to divorce should the marriage turn sour. Part of the reason is, under Taiwanese law, their legal residency depends on their marriage. However, their marriage is further threatened by the law’s restriction on the numbers of migration population number control and restriction on acquiring the residency right of the civil right. Exploring the disadvantage situation of female marriage immigrants, this thesis further analyze what constitutional rights do they enjoy, whether these law and policy are constitutional. This thesis contents that, even before the female marriage immigrants acquire nationality of R.O.C., they still possess important fundamental rights protected by our constitution. However, even though they enjoy fundamental constitutional rights, it is a different matter whether the discrimination is unconstitutional. This thesis is of the opinion that, current standards of constitutional review cannot provide substantial protection for them, and their fundamental rights may only have face value against the discriminatory policies and laws. In addition to the discriminatory laws and policies, social discrimination also deepens female marriage immigrants’ plight in Taiwan. Because of the barriers of language and culture, they cannot participate the society and enjoy social resource effectively. This further hinders them to participate in the public domain to change their fortune in Taiwan. This thesis argues that Taiwan should face the fact that Taiwan is becoming an immigrant society and should reform its immigration policy under the spirit of Multiculturalism. In summary, due to a great deal of migration and naturalization of female marriage immigrants, there will be considerable large impact on the present law and national policy. The immigration policy of multiculturalism and legal system should be able to enhance the human right of female marriage immigrants and to materialize the rights and interests of female marriage immigrants. For a long time, the rights and interests of female marriage immigrants in Taiwan have been sacrificed and there is a shortage of reflection and reform. At the time when our country is progressively becoming an immigration country, our country should establish a multicultural value and conduct serious review over the legal system and policy of immigration of the country, including new name of self-identification of female marriage immigrants, the support of social resource and language policy.




王苡斯(2007)。論我國娼妓政策之性別意涵 —從社會秩序維護法的觀察出發—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700875
