  • 學位論文


The Research on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Regional Trade Agreements - ECFA Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the Center –

指導教授 : 鄺承華


由於1990年代區域主義興起,尤其是東亞地區近年來快速進行的區域經濟整合,對臺灣造成經貿上的壓力。因兩岸特殊地位關係,更使臺灣在區域經濟整合的參與上,遭遇阻礙。惟我國於2010年6月20日由兩岸代表在中國大陸重慶市簽署「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Cross-Strait Economic cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA),此為兩岸近年來締結最重要的經濟貿易協議。而爭端解決機制之建立除可完整區域性貿易協定外,亦可確保ECFA後續順利之運行。有鑒於此,本文主要藉由探討ECFA簽署生效後,ECFA下所生爭議是否能提交WTO解決、介紹WTO與歐、美RTA爭端解決機制調和與衝突的經驗作為參考,探討後續談判之爭端解決機制未來可能之形成與定位。另因臺灣與中國大陸簽署ECFA,觸動普遍國人敏感之議題與觀感,在考量兩岸特殊政經地位關係之下,本文討論國會監督之議題,以介紹歐、美之國會監督經驗、臺灣地區與大陸地區訂定協議處理及監督條例草案(下稱兩岸協議監督條例),以期能透過介紹歐美國家之國會監督模式,對於兩岸協議監督條例草案有更深之瞭解。


There have been a lot of economic and trade pressures on Taiwan, because of the rise of regionalism since 1990, and recently especially because of the regional economic integration in East Asia. Taiwan has had a sensitive political and economical relationship with China; this makes Taiwan's participation in regional economic integration more and more difficult. On June 20, 2010, representatives from Taiwan and China signed the "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" (ECFA) at Chongqing in China; this is the most important economic and trade agreement for Taiwan since trade with China became a possibility. The establishment of the ECFA dispute settlement mechanism not only completes the regional trade agreements, but also ensures the smooth running of the ECFA. However, the dispute settlement mechanism has not yet been signed into law; it is still under negotiation.In view of this, and considering the special political and economic relationship between Taiwan and China, this thesis would like to discuss the possible position and form of the dispute settlement mechanism in the future, once it has been signed into law, and explore whether the disputes that are born under the ECFA can be resolved by being submitted to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The thesis also introduces some of Europe’s and America’s experiences with the RTA-WTO dispute settlement mechanism, and introduces the question of legislative oversight for the ECFA. It is hoped that the thesis can provide some new perspectives on solving trade disputes between Taiwan and China.


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