  • 學位論文


The Study of Appearance Design of the Air Purifier by Kansei Engineering and Eye Tracker

指導教授 : 呂志維


產品的外觀對產品給人的感受有所不同,因此很多產品在設計時就要進行外觀研究,以符合消費者的喜好。感性工程正是一種探討消費者感受和喜好的一個方法。因此本研究利用感性工程的方法使用問卷和眼動儀進行消費者對空氣清淨機的相關研究。 本研究首先選定10台不同廠牌之空氣清淨機,再蒐集空氣清淨機形容詞詞彙60個進行分析,接著透過簡單的篩選將形容詞詞彙縮減,而後透過問卷調查彙整分析,將其結果利用統計因素分析與ANOVA分析,找出感性形容詞詞彙與空氣清淨機之關聯性,並透過數據結果來探討大眾消費者對於空氣清淨機的需求、設計要素、喜好度,最後將實驗結果進行統計分析。實驗會分為A、B兩組,A組會先填寫問卷後再觀看眼動儀,B組則反之,最後藉由結果來比較其差異。 而在眼動儀的部分,無論是A、B組以及全體受測者,其凝視時間與喜好度評分皆呈現正相關,且相關係數介於0.7至0.9之間,因此可得知無論實驗先後順序為何,不會影響其受測者對清淨機之喜好度。 最終研究結果為,空氣清淨機歸納出設計要素4大項目以及9個類目。其明細有:坪數大小、文字大小、有無wifi功能、有無TVOC功能。透過因素分析之建立結果可知,最終萃取出空氣清淨機之代表性形容詞詞彙有20個「科技的、便宜的、新型的、有質感的、有品味的、摩登的、好用的、美觀的、效果好的、多功能的、具風格的、安靜的、舒適的、安全的、操縱感的、實用的、有感覺的、好拆的、輕巧的、方便的」。 對於未來空氣清淨機之設計,本次實驗希望能給予設計師方向,引導設計師避開不必要之設計,因此希望設計師在設計一台空氣清淨機時能夠參考本次結論,期望能設計出一台符合代表性形容詞且符合大眾消費者所需之重要設計要素的空氣清淨機。


The feeling of the product appearance has been different for each, so many products need to carry out appearance research to hit the preferences of consumers. Kansei engineering is a method to explore consumer feelings and preferences. Therefore, Kansei engineering and eye trackers have been used to conduct related research on consumers' air purifiers. The research group selected 10 air purifiers of different brands, and then collected 60 air purifier adjectives vocabulary for analysis, through simple screening, the adjective vocabulary was reduced, then the questionnaire was collected and analyzed. The results were analyzed by statistical factor analysis and ANOVA to find out the correlation between the Kansei adjective vocabulary and the air purifier; statistical methods were used to explore the mass consumers’ desires, design elements, and preferences of the air purifier have been used. The participants have been divided into two groups, A and B. Group A filled out the questionnaire first and then watch the eye trackers, and group B did the opposite. Finally, the differences are compared by the results. In the part of the eye tracker, whether it is A, B group, or all subjects, their gaze time and preference score are positively correlated, and the correlation coefficient is between 0.7 and 0.9, so it can be known that no matter the experiment sequence The order will not affect the subjects' preference for the purifier. The results show that the air purifier has 4 major items and 9 categories of design elements. The details are pig size, text size, with or without WIFI function, with or without TVOC function. Through the establishment result of factor analysis, it can be seen that there are 20 representative adjective words of the air purifier finally extracted "technical, cheap, new, textured, tasteful, modern, easy to use, beautiful, effective, versatile, stylish, quiet, comfortable, safe, maneuverable sensitive, practical, easy to disassemble, and lightweight". According to the results of this research, it can be used as a reference for future design and complete the research’s purpose. In the future design of the cleaning machine, designers hope to design this design directly, so designers can directly design the correct design this time so that designers can design the correct design this time. This is an air purifier that fits the typical adjective and meets the needs of mass consumers as an important design factor.


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