  • 學位論文

國小二年級數學素養題建構之研究 —以上學期為例

Research on the Construction of Mathematics Literacy Questions in the Second Grade of Elementary School-Taking Last Semester as an Example

指導教授 : 王牧民


數學核心素養為當今學生必備能力,數學不僅是解題的工具,更是幫助生活的重要技能,數學核心素養導向試題是將日常生活中所會遇到的數學問題融入題目,讓數學題目生活化、貼近學生日常,藉此希望更能引起學生學習動機,但也因題目活化,造成學生在讀題及解題上的困難,本論文以參考南一書局出版社二年級上學期數學課本為藍本,以「數到300」、「二位數的加法」、「幾公分」、 「二位數的減法」、「容量」這五個單元創建數學核心素養考題,針對桃園市中壢區某國小二年級30位不同能力之學生做施測,旨在研究學生面對核心素養導向的數學題目時,所遭遇之困難,協助學生釐清錯誤觀念,引導學生正確解題思維,讓學生能夠將數學融會貫通、學以致用,進而能夠處理生活中所遇到的數學問題。本論文主要分成四大重點如下: 1. 針對個題目之核心素養觀念,引導學生了解其概念。 2. 針對個別題目逐步解答、分析。 3. 分析學生錯誤原因,提供並引導學生正確觀念。 4. 針對每章節學生易錯概念,給予教學建議。 關鍵字:核心素養、國小數學素養題


Nowadays, mathematics core literacy is an essential ability for students, since mathematics is not only a tool to solve problems, but also an important skill to facilitate life. The core literacy oriented tests of mathematics are to integrate the daily mathematics problems into teaching, so that mathematics can be life-like and close to students' life, so that arousing their learning motivation. However, it is also difficult for students to read and solve questions due to the change of types. This paper takes Nanyi Publishing House as the research object to analyze the five units of "count to 300", "addition of two digits", "several centimeters", "subtraction of two digits" and "capacity" in the mathematics textbook of the first semester of the second grade for achieving the mathematics core literacy tests. It selects 30 students in Grade Two of primary school in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, aiming to study the difficulties students encounter when facing the core quality-oriented mathematical problems, assist them to recognize the wrong concepts, guide them to correctly solve the problem thinking, and be able to master mathematics, apply what they learn to practice, and then deal with the mathematical problems in life. This paper is divided into four parts as follows: (1) Guide students to understand the concept of the question core literacy. (2) Gradually answer and analyze every question. (3) Analyze the reasons for students' mistakes and guide their correct ideas. (4) Give teaching suggestions for each chapter of students' error-prone concepts. Key words: Core literacy, elementary school mathematics literacy test


[1] 教育部(2014)。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱。
[2] 教育部(2018)。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級
[3] 國家教育研究院(2014)。十二年國民基本教育課程發展指引。
[4] 教育部(2014)。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱。
