  • 學位論文


Optimizing Production Efficiency Based on TRIZ Theory

指導教授 : 廖秀莉 李雨師


面對時代的進步,科技高度的發展,傳統產業也需面臨轉型的問題,如何進行數位 轉型是每家企業都會遇到的難題,尤其製造業企業均有面臨勞動力緊缺的問題,「機器 換人」成為提高勞動生產率的必然選擇,如企業能將高昂老舊設備升級,減少人力作業, 雖初期須花費一筆費用進行設備系統的整合,但長期下來卻能減少人力成本的支出,不 僅能帶來人力成本的節約和效率的提升,也能減少企業主高額 的投資,將使企業主持續 受益。 充膠機設備為製造防水電纜製程中的一個環節,如能將充膠機設備進行能力提升, 透過各項技術的結合與運用,將操作系統數位化,並增加傳感器裝置,將原本需由人力 操作及人力判斷異常,交由機器操作,減少人為失誤,只須設定與檢查即可,如此可改 善生產的生產率、準確性與靈活性。 在這次研究中使用 TRIZ理論中的矛盾矩陣及物質 場分析找出解決方案,針對其中 優先度較高的問題進行探討、研究,以這些原理為方向思考問題的解決方案,透過這些 方案設計將設備能力升級,減化操作程序,改善不必要的操作, 將人力運用於其他重要 的任務上,而非將心力花費於日常且重複性高的事務上,重新分配產線人力資源、優化 生產效能。


With the progress of era, highly development of technology and traditional industries need to face the problem of transformation, how to complete a digital transformation is a difficult problem that every enterprise will encounter. In particular, manufacturing industries often face the shortage of labor. Therefore, "machines to replace humans" has become an inevitable choice to increase labor productivity. For example, companies can upgrade expensive and old equipment to reduce manual work. Although it will have an initial cost to integrate the equipment system, it can lower the labor costs in the long term. In this way, it can not only lower labor costs and improve efficiency, but also reduce the high investment of business owners, which will bring long term benefits to them. The jelly filled machine equipment is one of the manufacturing processes of F/S JF LAP cables. The productivity, accuracy and flexibility can be improved by upgrading the function of the jelly filled machine equipment, digitizing the operating system through the combination and application of various technologies, and adding sensor devices. The manual work and abnormal handling by human are transferred to the machine operation to reduce human error. As such, the only thing needs to do is set up and check the equipment. In this research, the contradiction matrix and the substance field analysis in the TRIZ theory are used to find solutions. And the problems with higher priority are discussed and studied. Consider solutions based on the above principles, such as upgrade equipment capabilities through project design, reducing operating procedures and unnecessary operations, using manpower on other important tasks instead of spending time on routine and repetitive tasks, and reallocating human resources to optimize production efficiency.


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