  • 學位論文


Research and development of automatic music production technology for violin robots

指導教授 : 王信行


小提琴機器人是本實驗室的一項特色研究,經過多年的發展,無論軟硬體都有相當多的改進。為了提升小提琴機器人的即時演奏能力,本研究的重點在於建立其樂譜生成系統,利用可延伸標記式(XML)語言,將小提琴譜轉換程式碼,以簡化小提琴機器人的控制流程。 由於不同意義的音符形態變異很大,且譜線的存在常造成許多音符相連,增加音符辨識的困難度。本研究引用樂理知識,以小節為處理單位,根據樂符的標記法則將樂符的辨識處理步驟分成兩部份:基本樂符元素抽取,樂符合成與辨識。辨識完成的樂譜,必須先確認音階及節拍。再藉由邏輯分析,找出演奏的弓法,即可開始轉換成小提琴機器人的演奏控制程式。 為了驗證本研究的成果,已選定理查德克萊德曼的“秋日私語”做為測試的曲目。這首樂曲的特色在於節奏分明、起伏變動極大,不但可以突顯不同節拍的變化,亦可測試弓法自動建立的效果。測試結果顯示,本研究可以順利轉換該樂譜,成為小提琴機器人的演奏控制程式。 關鍵字:樂譜辨識、小提琴機器人、自動製作樂譜


The violin robot is a special research in this laboratory. After years of development, there have been considerable improvements in both software and hardware. In order to improve the real-time performance capability of the violin robot, the focus of this research is to establish its musical score generation system using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to convert the violin score into code so as to simplify the control process of the violin robot. Because the shapes of notes with different meanings vary greatly, and the existence of spectral lines often causes many notes to be connected, it increases the difficulty of note identification. In this study, the knowledge of music theory is cited, the subsection is used as the processing unit, and the identification and processing steps of musical symbols are divided into two parts according to the marking rules of musical symbols: the extraction of basic musical symbols, and the achievement and identification of musical symbols. Using this information, the scale and rhythm must be identified. A logical analysis is implemented to find out the bowing method of playing, and then to convert it into the control program of the violin robot. To verify the results of this study, Richard Clayderman's "Autumn Whispers" has been selected as the test song. The characteristic of this song is its clear rhythm and great fluctuations. It can not only highlight the changes of different rhythms, but also test the effect of the automatic establishment of bowing. The result shows that the method developed in this research is able to convert the song into the control program of the violin robot. Keywords: Score recognition, violin robot, automatic score creation


[1] https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/4/12/4/n737195.htm
[2] https://itw01.com/UXLWER2.html
[3] https://zi.media/@yidianzixun/post/rV6K4z
[4] https://www.storm.mg/lifestyle/397385
[5] D.Prurslin, Automatic Recognition of Sheet Music, Sc.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, June 1966.
