  • 學位論文


Research on the Factors of Using Green Building Materials in Residential Interior Decoration

指導教授 : 劉時泳


近年來國際對地球生態永續、環境保護的意識抬頭,隨著經濟快速發展,大家生活水平提升,大眾對居家環境品質重視度提高,選擇室內裝修改善空間美感和健康品質,但是裝修材料有甲醛和揮發性有機化合物逸散的隱憂,亦是對環境的一項大污染源,使用綠建材可以減少化學傷害和環境友善,保障居家健康環境品質。 政府自2004年推動「綠建材標章政策」後,取得綠建材標章的建材數量增多,室內綠建材使用率從5%調至60%以上,戶外綠建材使用率從10%調至20%以上,表示綠建材已成為一股趨勢且配合政策,市場對綠建材的接受度越來越高。 針對室內住宅、綠建材、消費者行為進行文獻回顧,與8位業界專業人士進行深度訪談,以逐字稿方式紀錄研究資料進行歸納與析。由研究得知,綠建材在室內裝修使用已非常普遍,影響設計師使用綠建材最大因素為成本預算,影響因素順序為:符合法規、品質、品牌、施工難易度、多樣性、美觀性等六項。消費者對綠建材接受度高,並且會主動要求健康居家環境,最常使用的是健康性綠健材,多運用在基礎角料、板材、面材、黏著劑、塗料類等綠健材,在住宅室內裝修中全面使用。 關鍵字:綠建材、室內健康環境、室內裝修


In recent years, the international awareness of the earth's ecological sustainability, environmental protection has risen, with the rapid development of the economy, the improvement of everyone's living standards, the public's attention to the quality of the home environment has improved, the choice of interior decoration to improve the beauty of the space and health quality, but the decoration materials have formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds to escape the hidden worries, is also a large source of pollution to the environment, the use of green building materials can be reduced Chemical injuries and environmental friendliness ensure the quality of a healthy environment at home. Since the government promoted the green building materials label policy in 2004, the number of building materials that have obtained green building materials labels has increased, and the indoor green building materials use rate has been adjusted from 5% to more than 60%, and the outdoor green building materials use rate has been adjusted from 10%. More than 20% said that green building materials have become a trend and cooperate with policies, and the market's acceptance of green building materials is getting higher and higher. Literature review was conducted on indoor housing, green building materials, and consumer behavior, in-depth interviews were conducted with 8 industry professionals, and the research data was summarized and analyzed in a verbatim manner. According to the study, the use of green building materials in indoor decoration has been very common, the biggest factor affecting the designer's use of green building materials is the cost budget, and the influencing factors are in order of compliance with regulations, quality, brand, construction difficulty, diversity, and aesthetics. Consumers have a high acceptance of green building materials, and will take the initiative to require a healthy home environment, the most commonly used is healthy green wood, mostly used in basic scraps, plates, surface materials, adhesives, coatings and other green health materials, in the residential interior decoration of the full use. Keywords: green building materials, indoor healthy environment, interior decoration


