  • 學位論文


The Relevance of Comics Effect Lines and Dialog Boxes on Reading Emotional Level

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


漫畫除了有吸引人的劇情外,營造畫面的情境氣氛是漫畫家的重要表現技巧之一,同時也是引起讀者繼續支持作品的因素。在諸多漫畫結構裡,效果線(Effect line)是幫助畫面發揮敘事功能的一門重要的技法,也是漫畫效果中最常使用的效果元素,這些粗細線條經過適當安排產生穩定或壓迫感等視覺心理,除了使靜態的畫面呈現節奏、速度、行進方向以及視覺焦點外,背景效果亦能營造角色處境與幫助讀者體會角色的情緒。漫畫另一項有別於一般圖文小說的特色在於文字對話框(Dialog balloons),這些對話框除了引導閱讀路徑外,也利用不同的框形在靜態下呈現台詞的情緒。 本研究以漫畫排行榜上最受歡迎的少年漫畫《海賊王》(日本原文為ONE PIECE)作為碩士論文研究的案例分析及受試物樣本,歸納出這部漫畫的效果表現技法及應用形式,依照案例分析所得之資料提出研究假設,進一步以漫畫效果線中的「集中線」、對話框中「刺蝟型對話框」之疏密程度為主要實驗項目,搭配由文獻探討所獲之視覺心理情緒詞彙,探討不同效果表現程度是否使不同漫畫閱讀涉入族群,在原始情緒基準上產生更強烈的情感反應。實驗結果經由數據統計後發現:1.漫畫閱讀涉入程度為「漫畫迷」的受試者在集中線密度增加的反應程度較細膩,在強烈情緒詞彙上產生增加的情緒反應;而涉入程度為「曾經是漫畫迷」與「非漫畫迷」的受試者普遍在各詞彙集中線密度增加時產生較高的情緒。2.不論漫畫閱讀涉入程度為何,其情緒反應強烈程度並不因對話框尖刺密度增加而有所增強。


In addition to the attractive story, the mood of creating a picture is one of the important performance techniques of the cartoonist, and it is also the factor that causes the reader to continue to support the work.In many comic structures, the Effect line is to help the screen to play a narrative function of an important technique, but also the most commonly used elements. These lines through the appropriate arrangements to produce a stable or oppressive visual psychology, so that the static picture display rhythm、speed、directionality and visual focus. Furthermore background effects can also create the role of the character and help readers to understand the emotions. Another different feature from the graphic novels is the Dialog Boxes, these dialogs in addition to guide the reading path, but also use different frame-shaped of presentation the emotions in a static status. In this study, the comic books of the most popular juvenile comics on the list -《ONE PIECE》as a master's thesis case studies and sample samples,based on the data obtained from the case study, summarized the effect of this comic performance techniques and application forms. In this study, the density in the comic effect line and the Spikes -type dialog box as the main experimental items, and the emotional vocabulary of the visual psychological from the literature was explored to find out whether the different performance in comic books which stronger emotional response are influences in different readers of the original emotional level. The experimental results showed :1. "comic books fans readers" who had a higher degree of response to the increase density of effect lines, and also increased emotional responses in the strong emotional vocabulary. The " Used to be Comic books fans readers " and "non-comic books readers " also generally have higher emotions when the density lines increase. 2:the intensity of emotional reaction was not enhanced by the increase of the spike density of the dialog boxes, regardless of whether they have the habit of reading comic books.


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