  • 學位論文


Using E-commerce and Business Model to Analyze Local Agriculture

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


臺灣在地農業發展,產銷往往受到先天的區域性限制,近年來隨著網際網路環境的迅速發展,亦帶動了電子商務的興起,台灣在地農業結合電子商務的經營,在經營模式的演化之下、農產品行銷方式也跟著做出符合現代化的改變,本研究以臺灣在地農業具有代表之個案進行研究、探討、分析,期望有助於台灣在地農業,有志從事電子商務銷售之農友更認識了解,進一步利用於電子商務模式從事實務之經營與管理。 臺灣農產品電子商務發展現況確實存在諸多挑戰,本研究主要探討在地農業電子商務經營模式之個案研究,依據研究方法中提及之內容的個案研究法、訪談法,則設計問卷並以研究對象為資料收集為主體其探討,本研究架構基礎,依照收集資料和整理,將個案研究以Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) 經營模式的九大構面因子為:價值主張、目標顧客、配銷通路、顧客關係、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵夥伴、成本結構、收益來源等,以及電子商務的四流定義構面的概念,進而研究分析在地農業個案經營模式現況與困難點,並將個案做整理探討共同性與差異性分析,最後給予結論與建議。 本研究選擇六個在地農業,以個案研究的方法探討經營模式的相同及相異之處,並獲得研究分析結果如下:價值主張:在地農業特性會強調健康飲食、高品質蔬果、價格透明、生態永續來獲得顧客的認同。目標顧客:農產品大多以家庭主婦為主要客群,但因不同的農產品特性可能也會有不同的購買客戶族群,例如茶葉,大多還是以中年男性為主要客群。配銷通路:農產品除了透過傳統的經銷商模式、還以直接銷售方式的農夫市集直接面對消費者展銷,或以網路販售方式進行銷售管道。顧客關係:以個人聯繫方式最為常見,再來就是透過社群網路媒體,發佈產品的訊息。關鍵資源:農業以取得土地資源與生產技術較為重要,擁有好的產品品質,才能獲得消費者的青睞。關鍵活動:農業以生產管理活動為優先考量、其次才投入產品銷售活動的開發。關鍵夥伴:透過同業或其他較小規模的小農,來達成共同生產上的經濟規模。成本結構:農業主要以人事成本以及設備成本佔主要營運成本比例最高。收益來源:農業主要以農產品銷售收入為主,經營者透過網路銷售方式,會以半加工方式來延長農產品的保存期限。


In Taiwan's agricultural industry, production and marketing are often subject to congenital regional restrictions. In recent years, with the rapid development of the internet environment, also led to the rise of e-commerce, and along with it, the revolution of Taiwan's local agriculture. In the business model, the marketing methods of agricultural products are made in line with the changes of modernization. This study is based on Taiwan's local agricultural industry and the purpose of it is to study, explore, and analyze with the hope to contribute to Taiwan's agriculture. With more knowledge in this field, Taiwan’s agricultural industry can gain more from the use of e-commerce model in business operation and management. There are many challenges in the development of e-commerce in Taiwan’s agricultural history. This study mainly explores the case study of the agricultural e-commerce business model. This paper is generated based on the interview with six local agricultural businesses and analyzed according to Osterwalder and Pigneur’s (2010) business model canvas which contains nine structural factors: Value Proposition, Customer Segment, Channels, Customer Relationships, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships, Cost Structure, and Revenue Model. It also uses e-commerce’s four-flow definitions to study and analyze the status of agricultural industry’s business model and difficulties, and the discussion on similarity and difference between each case, and finally reaching the conclusions and recommendations. This study chooses six local agricultural businesses as the subject to explore the similarities and difference between each business model, and obtained the research results as follows: Value proposition: the local agricultural industry has a common characteristic of emphasizing healthy diet, high quality fruits and vegetables, price transparency, and ecological sustainability to obtain customer recognition. Customer Segment: Most agricultural products have housewives as the main customer base, but different agricultural products may also have different customer profile, such as tea. Tea products have mostly middle-aged men as the main customer base. Channels: In addition to the traditional way of buying agricultural products from distributors, direct purchase from farmers or online sales channels has also become the norm. Customer Relationships: the most common is personal contact, which is done through publishing product information on the social network. Key Resources: obtaining land resources and production technology is the most important to agricultural industry, which leads to good product quality and consumer loyalty. Key Activities: Agricultural production management is the first priority, followed by investment in product’s sales and marketing. Key Partnerships: To achieve economies of scale in co-production through peers or other small-scale farmers. Cost Structure: Personnel costs and equipment costs constitute the biggest part of the cost structure. Revenue Model: Mainly come from the sales of agricultural products. One interesting phenomenon is when these products are sold via ecommerce, they will be semi-processed in order to extend the shelf life.


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