  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumers’ Purchase Intention for Organic Agricultural Products though Online Shopping Platform.

指導教授 : 廖本哲 李宗偉


一、摘要 近年來食安事件頻傳.使得人民的環保意識抬頭與對於食品安全更加的重視,重視健康的消費者,對於有機農產品都會具有一般強烈的理念,因而對有機農產品產生強烈的需求。依行政院農委會在行政院核定之「跨世紀農業建設新策略」特別提到推廣和永續農業經營的施政策略,以發展農業成為注重生產生活與生態功能均衡發展的事業(邱宗治2000)。有機農產業的發展不但提高農產品品質,並調整國人在健康、自然、零負擔的飲食習慣中提升生活品質,更重要的是台灣因土地狹小,長期受化學肥料農藥侵蝕,有三分之二的土地已嚴重酸化,從農地流出的化學汙染物質,汙染了水源生態,而糧食內殘留毒素,也對人類造成了莫大的傷害。唯有有機農產品的種植能保持自然生態的平衡,所以有機農產業被喻為二十一世紀常春藤的事業,也是未來全球農業發展之趨勢。 台灣網路市場目前蓬勃發展,網路購物可提供豐富的資訊與便利的通路,然而台灣有機農產品的消費者卻較少利用網際網路的方式來購買有機農產品。根據台灣網路資訊中心公布2014年「台灣寬頻網路使用調查」報告中顯示,台灣地區上網人口成長已突破1800萬人,整體人口(0-100歲)上網率達78.26%,顯示民眾對於網際網路的依賴度日漸提升,而資策會(MIC)所做的「2014年台灣線上購物市場現況」調查顯示,2014年整體台灣網路購物市場比去年成長了30.4%預估市場規模達3116億元,由於以上數據可知國內線上購物市場,仍有很大的成長空間未來網路行銷市場也充滿著無限的商機。 對有機農產品產業之者而言,線上購物快速成長的趨勢,網路商店的成立除了可增加企業的市場競爭力,也可因直接於消費者接觸,減少中間商的剝削。尤其農產品因產銷通路較長,農民利潤常因層層剝削而減少,為改善此種傳統產銷通路的缺失。另外資訊科技的應用亦可改善農產行銷環境,鼓勵農業產銷組織調整組織目標與功能,發展虛擬組織體系,建立農產行銷策略聯盟組織;透過網路中心,辦理電子訂貨作業,並積極推動與供應單位(人)及承購單位(人)連線,希望提供一個雙方互利的平 如何提升消費者利用網際網路購買有機蔬菜的意願,目前國內尚無此項相關的研究。為鼓勵消費者多多利用網路購買有機蔬菜本研究認為建立網路商店的新通路,應可提高農民收益,但是為確保此項策略的成功,有必要對網路行銷更進一步的探討與研究。 關鍵字:網路行銷,有機蔬菜


網路行銷 有機蔬菜


A Study of Consumers’ Purchase Intention for Organic Agricultural Products Online Shopping Platform. Abstract Recently,people in Taiwan are shocked by the adulterated food and the fake organic agricultural product, so people are more concerned the food safety and more awareness of environmental protection. The insufficient trade information of agricultural products and the lack of management on the marketing channel are the causes of the fake organic products. Nowadays, the internet market in Taiwan is quite a booming business, and also it is a best marketing channel which can provide a sufficient information and a convenient way for customers to purchase the products on the internet without the limits of time and distance. Through the internet, the organic market can provide a complete food traceability, and also reduce the problems of information asymmetry in this market. This study is going to survey and explore the consumers’ attitude and purchase intention for organic agricultural products on the internet shopping website. The report“ A Survey on Broadband Internet Usage in Taiwan” from TWNIC(Taiwan Network Information Center), the total estimated population of Internet users in Taiwan is 18 million people. An investigation “The current market size of on-line shopping in Taiwan on 2014” from MIC( Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) estimated that the on-line marketing size is up to 311.6 billion in Taiwan on 2014. The market growth increased 30.4% more than the same period in this market on 2013. Not only did the on-line organic food shop enhance the companies’ market competitiveness, but also reduce the exploitation from the retail broker. Therefore, the on line organic food shop can offer customers a direct channel to farmers, and increase the customers’ purchase intention through the internet. The developing of the organic agriculture can improve the quality of agricultural products, adjust the habit of people’s diet, and enhance the lifestyle of human being. The most important thing is that the organic farming can maintain the ecological balance. It is the future trend of global agricutural development. Therefore, in order to attract more consumers to purchase the organic products, it is essential to improve the marketing environment of agriculture and build an electronic ordering system on the online shopping platform. Keyword: Online Shopping , Organic Agricultural


林珊如 (2003)。大學教師網路閱讀行為初探。圖書資訊學刊,1(1),75-92.


