  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Mathematical Writing to Develop Fourth Graders’ Mathematical Literacy

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究以研究者所任教之桃園市某公立國小四年級的一個班級為對象,採行動研究的方法,探討行動教師實施數學寫作時所遭遇的困境和解決策略、學生數學素養中溝通能力提升之情形,以及教師的省思與自我成長。經由蒐集學生的數學寫作簿、學生訪談紀錄、教師省思札記與研究團隊會議紀錄等相關資料,進行整理、歸納、分析,並於過程中不斷的反省修正,得出以下研究結果: 一、實施數學寫作活動所遭遇的困難與解決方法有四: (一)素養題材結合寫作模式出題不易,教師可彈性參考數學寫作的四種模式,不必拘泥其中。 (二)學生溝通能力不足,數學寫作表現停滯不前,解決之道是教師在平時的教學引導中多運用不同表徵的連結,並且引領學生學習鑑賞他人的寫作。 (三)數學寫作進度難以配合教學進度,教師可調整教學模式,適度刪減不必要的作業內容。 (四)互動式的數學寫作增加評閱上的困難度,解決之道是版面設計提供充足的溝通空間,教師也可針對學生的互評建議給予補充性的回饋。 二、數學寫作能提升學生的數學溝通能力,但短時間內對低學習成就的學生效果有限。 三、研究者實施數學寫作活動後,對學生學習狀態的察覺更具敏銳度,同時也增進師生間的溝通互動。 最後根據上述研究結論,提出相關建議,以供未來實施數學寫作相關教學研究之參考。


This study aims to investigate the problems a teacher had faced during conducting mathematical writing and the teacher’s strategies to solve them. The study records the students’ improvement in their communication ability in mathematical literacy and the teacher’s reflection and self-development as well. The study is an action study conducted in a class of fourth graders of a public elementary school in Taoyuan City. The following information is collected and analyzed: students’ math workbooks, interviews with the students, the teacher’s reflection journals and the research team’s meeting records. The study concludes and suggests: 1. Four strategies to solve the problems that may appear during the implementation of mathematical writing activities: (1)It is difficult to create test questions combining thematic literacy with writing. Teachers may switch to reference the four modes of mathematical writings instead. (2) Due to the students’ limited communication ability, their math writing does not seem to improve. It is suggested that teachers may use more guidance with numerous links between characteristics to instruct and to lead students to appreciate others’ writing. (3) It is difficult for the progress of mathematical writing to catch up with that of teaching. Teachers may adjust their teaching mode and properly delete unnecessary assignments. (4) Interactive mathematical writing increases difficulties in reviewing. Teachers may provide sufficient space for the students to write down their feedback, and teachers give supplementary feedback back interactively. 2. Mathematical writing can improve students’ mathematical communication ability with peer students. However, the improvement is limited with lower-achievement students within a short period. 3. After the study’s implementation of mathematical writing, the students had become more aware of their learning state, and the interaction between the students and the teacher had improved as well. Finally, based on the conclusions of this study, the researcher proposes some suggestions for future studies of the application of mathematical writing or related field. Keywords: mathematical literacy, mathematical writing, mathematical communication ability


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