  • 學位論文


Analysis of Antioxidant Capacity of Eight Common Wild Vegetables in Taiwan Flatland

指導教授 : 葉華光


近年來抗氧化力與疾病預防相關性被大量的研究,攝取足量的抗氧化成分,可降低疾病的發生。抗氧化能力在常見蔬菜、水果、中藥等方面皆有大量的研究,而相對於生命力強健的野菜與野草其相關探討卻不多。本次研究方向期望能在被忽略的材料中尋找可利用價值之材料,選用下列八種路邊常見野菜:馬齒莧、大花咸豐草、野莧菜、桑葉、兔仔菜、黃槿、黃鵪菜、車前草。在同一環境中採取與處理樣品,期許能達到一較客觀之比較結果。總合檢測結果,以攪拌萃取取得之桑葉萃取物在去自由、抗氧化能力、總多酚、總類黃酮、縮合單寧、水解單寧檢測值表現最佳。在以還原為最初植物之狀態下,比較八種野菜之各檢測值,桑葉表現最佳,其DPPH去自由基能力為7 mg/g、FRAP抗氧化能力(Ferric-Reducing Ability of Plasmas)為103 mg/g(FeSO4•7H2O)、總多酚含量為8 mg/g (Gallic acid)、總類黃酮含量為1.0 mg/g (Quercetin)、總縮合單寧含量為達41 mg/g (Catechin)、水解單寧含量為9 mg/g (Tannic acid)。


The correlation between antioxidant power and disease prevention has been extensively studied, and the intake of sufficient antioxidants can reduce the incidence of diseases. Antioxidant ability has a lot of research on common vegetables, fruits, Chinese medicine, etc. However, there are not many related studies on wild vegetables and weeds that are strong in vitality. The research direction is expected to find materials of useful value in the neglected materials. The following eight common roadside wild vegetables are selected: Portulaca oleracea, Bidens pilosa L. var. radiate Sch., Amaranthus viridis Linn, Mulberry Leaf, Ixeris chinensis Nakai, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Plantago asiatica. The purpose of this experiment is to compare test results in the same environment, reduce external factors such as seasonal and location disturbances, and achieve a more objective comparison. The results of the total combination test showed that the mulberry leaf extract obtained by stirring extraction had the best performance in DPPH, FRAP antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, condensed tannins and hydrolyzed tannins. The detection values of eight wild vegetables in the natural state of water , the DPPH ability was 7 mg/g, the FRAP antioxidant capacity was 103 mg/g, and the total polyphenol content was 8 mg. /g (Gallic acid), total polyphenol content of 1.0 mg / g (Quercetin), total condensed tannin content of 41 mg / g (Catechin), hydrolyzed tannin content of 10 mg / g (Tannic acid).


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