  • 學位論文


The Brand Identity Design of Non-Profit Organization for Autism Spectrums Disorders: Perspective of the People They Served

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


在這個注重人權與平等的社會時代,由民眾組成慈善機構以幫助社會弱勢為主軸,透過來自各方贊助者的支持下,針對不同類型的被服務者提供協助,提高被服務者的自我價值,並讓被服務者學習自立謀生的技能。慈善機構與被服務者間應是相輔相成,但愈是多元化的團體成立、再加上相近的識別圖案容易導致社會大眾對於組織與不同被服務者之間的混淆,更無法對該慈善組織留下記憶點;以被服務對象的立場則無從確認他們是否喜歡或認識代表自身的識別,這樣是否失去了「品牌識別」的意義了呢? 本創作旨在希望社會大眾以同理心的角度去理解被服務者的需求,而非以一般認知去定義我們所見的被服務者,也望能夠跳脫既往的「慈善組織識別」印象,設計出具話題與凸顯被服務對象特色的識別系統。以自閉症患者為例,透過以親弟弟為起點的圖像問卷初測、啟發,再到親訪自閉症公益組織的擴大調查後執行創作。 按照自閉症患者圖像問卷結果創作出相關識別,包含Logo、標準色選擇、輔助圖形、識別證與徽章,與其他具互動性質的周邊禮贈品。希望能藉本主題供後續作參考,讓更多人認識社會中不同的身心障礙者,並減少對於患者們錯誤的認知、增進兩者間的交流。


n this society that values human rights and equality, The people form Non-Profit Organizations to help the disadvantaged, accept support from donors, provide assistance to different types of service recipients, and improve the viability of the served in the society. However, more Non-Profit Organizations are established and similar identity design, it is easy to cause the people to confuse between the Non-Profit Organizations and the different service recipients, let alone make people impressed; To the served standpoint, it’s difficult to confirm their preferences or understand that represents "They" symbol. The study focused on the discussion is to hope that the people can understand the needs of the served from the perspective of empathy, also hoped to be able to escape the past impression of " The Brand Identity of Non-Profit Organization ", and design a distinctive identification system. The Autistic are taken as an example, the researcher’s younger brother was the first to conduct an image questionnaire test, taking autistic patients as an example, the researcher’s younger brother was the first to conduct an image questionnaire test, and then to visit Non-Profit Organization for Autism Spectrums Disorders for investigation and creative execution. Hope that this topic can be used as a reference for follow-up, so that more people can understand the different people with physical and mental disabilities in society, and reduce the misunderstanding of patients and enhance the communication between the two.


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