  • 學位論文


Consumers’ Space Perception of Convenient Stores

指導教授 : 張謙允


本研究首先執行超商空間之田野調查,據以掌握期間共通的空間特徵。進一步觀察分析之後,可理解其背後可能承載的多重文化。此外,本研究利用質性參與式觀察法,和受訪者有自然地互動但是不被察覺談話為訪談的基礎上,進行資料的收集。透過此方式得到消費者觀感後,進行文本分析以歸納具有共識之觀感。本研究將觀感分為數個方向分析,分別就空間、認知及感知面向分別討論,歸納造就消費者之觀感。 由以上分析可知,消費者對於超商之觀感可從為三大構面理解:空間觀、消費認知、及消費感知。進而言之,超商空間中充滿了人情味、審美、倫理、社交、及商業活動等反映人性特點之表現。透過訪談得知,消費者對於超商的規劃、氛圍塑造,以及定位多認同。消費者也表達了如,超商的親切感、信賴感以及依賴感;為構成生活的重要內容,如,第三地(third place)、休憩場所、社交場所。此外,受訪者也暗示如,超商為最佳物流中心、倉儲中心、轉運站、驛站、小資族食堂、創業場所、K書中心、打尖之處、消暑勝地、節慶的前導站、甚至於是狗狗乘涼的角落。


超商 消費心理 消費行為 觀感 雙北市


This study first conducted the investigation on the space in convenient store, in order to have a better understanding on the mutual special characteristic. These characteristic can be seen as the results of the combination of community and chained industrial culture. Under further study, we understood that the multiple culture in which those sited are barring. This study used the method of qualitative participatory observation, allowed us can gather the data and interact with the object without them know that the conversation is essentially a interview. After gathering the data, we analyzed the results and conclude the senses that are common. This stud analyzed the senses in different aspect, special, intellectual and emotional and discussed the reason behind them.   We can see that there are three aspect of conception of the consumer on convenient store space: special, consuming cognition and consuming perception. Furthermore, the spaces in convenient stores are filled with the sense of humanity, beauty, ethics, socialization and commercial which all reflects the human characteristic. We can see that from the results, the consumers are more likely to identified themselves to the atmosphere, planning and the character of the convenient store. The consumers also expressed that the sense of kindness, trust, and dependency are a substantial part of their lives. Like a third place, a place to rest, a place to be social. Furthermore, the consumers also implied that the convenient stores is the best logistics center, storage, transfer station, a place to start a company, a place to study, a place to have a quick meal and even a corner for dogs to cool themselves in.


Zeisel, John(1986)。Inquiry by Design, Tools for Environment-Behavior Research(關華山譯)。台北市:田園。
