  • 學位論文


A Study of Expressive Art Therapeutic Group with Spiritual Approach

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究宗旨在探討靈修取向表達性藝術團體對基督徒參與者全人之於天、人、物、我四面向之影響。全人影響包括「覺察人與己的共融關係」、「覺察人與他人的共融關係」、「覺察人與物(環境)的共融關係」以及「覺察人與天(神)的共融關係」。研究參與者為公開招募之七名女性成員,年齡介於38至54歲。研究方法採質性研究,以連續六周,每周一次進行2.5小時的周間團體。研究者採用參與者回饋單、觀察、錄影、攝影、課程紀錄、訪談逐字稿及觀察員紀錄等方式蒐集研究資料加以分析。所得結果如下: 覺察人與己的共融關係:認識與接納自己、放下完美主義、覺察內在的自己、宣洩生命中的悲痛情緒、在家人關係中覺察自己 (覺察被愛與幸福、覺察關係的矛盾、覺察自己的性格)、覺察生命新意義、重新詮釋事件意義帶出希望感。 一、 覺察人與他人的共融關係:從家人關係中探索與他人關係(從手足的角色看見與他人的關係、澄清與明確表達,建立健康關係)、從團體中探索與他人的關係(團體中情感的流通觸動與他人的連結、調整自己的眼光,包容與尊重異己、修復與人的關係、團體成員間的觀察與學習、能融入團體又不失獨特)。 二、 覺察人與物(環境)的共融關係:從靈修與自然體驗活動連結與自然環境的關係(欣賞自然環境、愛護自然環境)、從靈修創作活動連結與生活環境的關係(創作帶出美感經驗、在創作中面對問題,激發創造力、歷程帶出希望與社會關懷)。 三、 覺察人與天(神)的共融關係:創作歷程中相信神帶領(透過歷程相信神有美好的心意、因神恩典而饒恕)、歷程中感謝神恩典、歷程看見在神有盼望。   此外,本研究針對研究結果進行分析及討論,並提出具體建議,供未來相關研究與實務參考。


The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of the spirituality-oriented expressive art group on the well-being of Christian participants as a whole person with the Creator, all other human beings, the entire creation, and oneself, the four aspects of life. The awareness of the communion relationship of man with these four aspects of life were investigated. The action research approach was adopted to conduct the study on a group of seven openly-recruited female participants, ranging in age from 38 to 54 years old, 2.5 hours a time, once per week for six consecutive weeks. The researcher collected data by various ways, including participant feedback forms, observations, videos, photography, course records, verbatim transcripts of interviews, and observer records, to do the analyses. The results of the qualitative research are as follows: 1. Be aware of the communion relationship of man with self: know and accept yourself; let go of perfectionism; be aware of your inner self; take time to grieve the sorrow in life; be aware of yourself in family relationships, such as being loved and happy, being in relational contradictions, and recognizing your own personalities; perceive the new meaning of life; reinterpret the meaning of events to bring out a sense of hope. 2. Perceive the communion relationship of man with others: explore the relationship with others through family relationships, such as seeing how your role in siblings’ relationship influences your relationship with others, reviewing the family’s history with gratitude, learning to clarify and clearly express yourself, and establishing a healthy relationship; explore the relationship with others in the group by sharing emotions with one another to make connections, finding the roles of yourself and others in the group, adjusting how you see things or others, and being more tolerant and respectful when others disagree with you, reflecting on how yourself was in the group, mending the relationship with others after conflict, observing and learning among group members, and integrating into the group without losing your own uniqueness. 3. Perceive the communion relationship of man with the entire creation : through spiritual formation and nature-experiencing activities, connect man with nature to appreciate and love natural environments; through the creative spiritual-formation activities, connect man with living environments by experiencing beauty and facing problems in the process, inspiring creativity, and bringing forth hope and social care. 4. Be aware of the communion relationship of man with God: believe that God leads the way in the progress of man’s artistic creation, such as believing God’s perfect will in me through the course and being able to forgive because of God’s grace; thank God for his grace and see hope in God during the process.   Moreover, this study generally discusses and analyses the research data, and further presents some concrete suggestions in order to provide references for future related studies and practices.


