  • 學位論文


Effects of Vertical and Horizontal Approaches on Pedestrians' Route Choices

指導教授 : 謝明燁


為了瞭解不同垂直與水平路徑對行人動線選擇行為,本研究使用縮尺模型實驗與問卷,針對52名受測者進行實驗,探討行人對動線選擇的意願程度,統整行人選擇動線的判斷依據。本研究共有兩個實驗,實驗一以三種動線(斑馬線、天橋、地下道),其中斑馬線加入四種時間因子的控制變因(等待0、30、60、90秒),總共搭配出5種穿越馬路的情境,統計分析探討動線選擇的影響。 實驗二共九種動線作為研究對象,分成兩群分析,第一群為「先上後下」、「先下後上」、「水平移動」的意願程度差異,第二群是由其中的「水平移動」加入「路徑長度」(25、35、45公尺)與「迴轉方向」(順時針與逆時針方向)的考量,搭配出6種動線,針對52名受測者進行實驗,將九種動線的意願程度統計分析探討動線選擇的影響。 研究結果指出: (一)「天橋」>「地下道」與「先上後下」=「先下後上」。 (二)行人行走天橋或地下道上下樓梯的辛苦與斑馬線等待60秒成為等價關係。 (三)路徑長越長意願越低。行人有逆時針方向行走的趨勢。 (四)行人對動線選擇的判斷依據是有連續且有關聯的。


縮尺模型 行人 動線


In order to understand the difference in vertical and horizontal paths on pedestrians’ traffic flow selection behavior, this study used a scale model experiment and questionnaire to conduct an experiment on 52 subjects, investigate pedestrians’ level of intention to select traffic flow, and summarize the factors affecting pedestrians’ selection of traffic flow as the judgment basis. This study included a total of two experiments. Experiment 1 used three traffic flows (crosswalk, overpass, and underpass) and 4 control variables for the time factor (waiting for 0, 30, 60, and 90 secs) to develop a total of 6 scenarios for using the crosswalk, in order to perform a statistical analysis to investigate the effect of traffic flow selection. Experiment 2 used a total of 9 traffic flows as the research subjects and divided them into two groups for analysis. Group 1 included the differences in the level of intention of selecting “up first and down later,” “down first and up later”, and “horizontal movement.” Group 2 took into account “path length” (25, 35, and 45m) and “direction of rotation” (clockwise and counterclockwise) in the “horizontal movement” to develop 6 traffic flows, conduct an experiment on 52 subjects, and perform the statistical analysis on the level of intention to select 9 traffic flows to investigate the effect on traffic flow selection. The research results show the following. (1) “Overpass” > “underpass” and “up first down later” = “down first up later.” (2) There is an equivalence relation between pedestrians’ sense of hardship caused by walking on the overpass or through the underpass and waiting for a green light. (3) The longer the path is, the lower the intention is to use it. Pedestrians tend to walk in a counterclockwise direction. (4) Pedestrians’ judgment bases for selection of traffic flow are continuous and associated.


Scale Model Pedestrians Traffic Flow


4.徐宏鑫(2007)。《地下道空間設計之規範研究-以台南市為例》。台南科大學報 第2期 生活藝術 頁315-334 。
