  • 學位論文

桃園縣國中自然與生活科技領域教師 教科書評選之因素及其使用滿意度調查

Textbooks Election Factors and Satisfaction Survey in the Domain of Science and Technology of Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究採問卷調查法及半結構式的訪談,以自編之「國中教師對自然與生活科技領域教科書評選因素與使用滿意度問卷」及訪談大綱,作為資料蒐集工具,旨在探討桃園縣國中教師對自然與生活科技領域教科書評選因素與使用滿意度及不同背景變項間的關係。其研究母群體為桃園縣公立國中自然與生活科技領域教師,50所學校, 590位教師進行施測,問卷回收後,共計有效樣本422份,訪談教師五位。根據受試教師問卷填答結果,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料處理分析及訪談結果,主要研究發現下: 一、國中自然與生活科技領域教師認同教科書評選因 素,以選用規準最為重視,其次依序為選用流程、相關因素、選用人員。 二、男性教師比女性教師更同意選用人員應由多方面的成員參與。 三、師範校院學士教師對有一套完整規劃的選用流程認同度高於一般大學校院學士教師。 四、教師登記科別為生物科教師對教科書選用規準認同度高於教師登記科別為理化科教師。 五、國中自然與生活科技領域教師對教科書使用滿意度很高,以物理屬性最為重視,其次依序為出版屬性、內容屬性、教學屬性。 六、服務年資21年(含)以上的教師在教科書內容屬性、教學屬性滿意度高於服務年資10年(含)以下及11-20年的教師。 七、學歷類別為研究所四十學分班的教師在教科書內容屬性滿意度高於師範校院學士的教師。 八、學歷類別為一般大學校院學士及研究所四十學分班的教師在教科書教學屬性滿意度高於師範校院學士的教師。 九、服務年資21年(含)以上的教師在教科書物理屬性、出版屬性滿意度高於服務年資11-20年的教師。 十、教科書的選用規準愈完善,所得到內容屬性、教學屬性、出版屬性滿意度愈高。 十一、教科書的選用流程有完整規劃,所得到物理屬性滿意度愈高。 十二、挑選有專業素養的家長參與教科書選用。 十三、家長可協助並非介入學校教科書的評選。 關鍵詞:自然與生活科技領域、教科書、滿意度


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between the textbookselection factor, usage satisfaction and background variables of Taoyuan Countyjunior high science teachers. 590 science teachers were sampled from fifty schools and received Textbook Selection and Usage Satisfaction Questionnaire to survey the factors that affect their selection of science textbook and the degree of satisfaction for use.Furthermore, how their different backgrounds were related to these factors were also concerned. All data from questionnaires were collected and calculated the description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis to answer the research questions.Moreover, semi-structured interview was adapted to five teachers to probe the further idea about their survey answers. Based on the data and the interview are as the followings: 1、Science teachers agree to the textbooks selection. Selection criterion is the most important factor. Selection procedure, correlative factors, and members to select were others. 2、Compared with female teachers, male teachers agree more to members’ participation in members to select. 3、Teachers with bachelor degree of teachers’ colleges agree to a whole well planned procedure more than teachers with bachelor degree of universities. 4、Biology teachers agree to the criterion of textbooks selection more than Physics and Chemistry teachers. 5、Junior high school science teachers are satisfied with the usage of textbooks. They stress the importance of physics attribute, and the sequent factors are publication attributes, content attributes, teaching attributes. 6、The teachers with service period over 21 (above) years are more satisfied with the content attribute of textbooks than those with service period under 10 years and 11~20 years. 7、The teachers with 40-credit course from graduate schools are more satisfied with the content of textbooks than those with bachelor’s degree from teachers colleges. 8、The teachers with bachelor’s degree from universities and 40-credit course from graduate schools are more satisfied with the content of textbooks than those with bachelor’s degree from teachers colleges. 9、The teachers with service period 21 and above years are more satisfied with the physics attribute and publication attribute of textbooks than those with service period 11-20 years. 10、The more perfect criteria of the textbooks selection are, the more satisfactory are with content attributes , publication attributes, teaching attributes. 11、The satisfaction of physics attribute will be higher due to a well -planned procedure of textbooks selection. 12、To pick the parents with specialty equipment to take part in the textbooks selection. 13、Parents may assist schools’ textbooks selection, but not interfere. Keywords:Science and Technology Area,textbook,Satisfaction




