  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of Introducing Customer Relationship Management System for an Enterprise

指導教授 : 胡宜中


隨著市場競爭日益激烈,企業已經開始從「產品導向」轉為「顧客導向」,對所有的企業來說,其存在的主要目的之一即是「獲利」,而獲利營收的來源與對象,則是所謂的「顧客」。根據 20-80 法則在行銷上的意義表示,80%的銷售是來自20%的顧客;Pepers and Rogers(1993) 認為贏得新顧客的成本是維持舊有客戶費用的五倍;舊有客戶的流失比率降低5%,獲利就可以增加60%以上;這些都不是魔法般的數字,而是真確地意涵著以客為尊,客戶價值優先的企業經營理念,是企業競爭力的基礎。企業可以透過策略的推動、流程的改進與科技的應用等方式來管理與客戶的關係,找出目前或未來對企業有價值的顧客,適時掌握銷售機會,顧客滿意度等指標,並提高顧客對公司之利潤貢獻程度,顧客得到所需要的服務與產品,公司最後能獲得預期之利潤,達到互利的結果,而CRM系統正是進行客戶關係管理的重要關鍵推手。 導入CRM系統需要企業投注大量資金、時間及大量人力,由於成本昂貴,一旦導入後,必須要衡量CRM系統為企業所帶來的效益;因此,為企業建立評估CRM系統導入績效之構面與準則有其必要性。本研究的對象是Teradata與鼎新兩家IS系統供應商,研究範圍是使用這兩家系統供應商所提供的CRM系統之電信服務業與製造業,而研究的主要目的在於分析電信服務業與製造業就導入CRM系統之績效評估所重視構面與準則,以提供IS系統供應商在未來經營CRM系統之參考依據。就企業導入CRM系統後的績效評估而言,衡量的準則之間通常存在或多或少的交互作用,故本研究採用模糊積分計算企業導入CRM系統的整體以及在各構面的績效值。 在實證結果方面,本研究發現 電信業的受訪者重視構面是「組織淨利益」、「資訊品質」和「服務品質」,而製造業受訪者重視的構面為「組織淨利益」、「資訊品質」和「使用者滿意度」顯示出導入CRM系統功的績效好壞在於系統可提供正確有用的資訊品質、良好快速的決策滿意和可靠的服務品質,並達成企業組織的利益與績效。最不重視的構面則為「個人淨利益」,原因是受訪者為中高階主管,較重視組織績效,及導入CRM系統為公司帶來的利益,所以「個人淨利益」相對較不重視。 經過數值-語意的轉換,得知電信業與製造業在整體滿意度皆為「滿意」,但均尚未達到所屬群體自己所認定的平均滿意水準。故Teradata IS系統供應商可從電信業所重視的構面與構面下的關鍵準則「顧客滿意度」、「銷售管理」、「行銷管理」等,著手來提升績效值,增進整體導入C RM績效;鼎新IS系統供應商可從製造業所重視的構面與構面下的關鍵準則「銷售管理」、「預測分析」、「顧客滿意度」等,加強改進以增進整體導入C RM績效。


With the increasing competition among businesses in recent years, the focus of business administration has changed from products to customers. For an enterprise, how to attract royal customers and so as to gain maximum profit is a very important issue. According to the 80-20 rule, 80% of a company’s sales come from 20% of its customers. Pepers and Rogers (1993) claimed that the cost of attracting new customers is 5 times as much as that of maintaining loyal customers; reducing 5% of customer defection rate of loyal customers will increase 60% of company’s profit. Thus, it is very important for companies to identify high-valued customers for their products, to determine the key factors that lead to customer satisfaction, and then to gain more profits. This leads enterprises to introduce the Customer Relation Management (CRM) system. In order to introduce the CRM system, enterprises have to invest a great amount of money, time and manpower. Because of the cost of implementing the CRM system, enterprises need to evaluate the performance of the CRM system. Based on two major CRM system suppliers in Taiwan, Teradata and DataSystem Consulting, this study focuses on their customers in the communicating and manufacturing industries. The purpose of this study is to find out major dimensions and criteria for evaluating the performance of the CRM system and to supply the results to the CRM system supplier for reference. To indicate the interactions among different dimensions, this study employs fuzzy integral to evaluate the performance of each dimension. In the empirical study, the CRM users in the communicating industries are attentive to dimensions of net organization benefit, information quality, and service quality while users in the manufacturing industries valued dimensions of net organization benefit, information quality, and customer satisfaction. The result shows that the key factors for success of the CRM system are combinations of information quality, satisfaction of correct and quick decision making, reliable service quality, and achieving expected performance and benefits of organization. One of the possible reasons for the result is that the interviewers in the survey are all high-level managers of a company who would emphasize more on origination performance but less on personal benefits. From the analysis of the survey, telecommunicating and manufacturing industries are generally satisfied with the CRM system, but the level of satisfaction is lower than their expectations. Therefore, to increase overall satisfaction of the CRM system, the supplier Teradata could enhance its system performance from the dimensions that telecommunicating industries valued more: customer satisfaction, sales management, and marketing management. The other supplier DataSystem Consulting could enhance its system performance from dimensions of sales management, forecast analysis, and customer satisfaction.


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