  • 學位論文


Design Feature Study of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 基督教長老教會在一九五四年底至一九六五年中由長老教會總 會發起「倍加運動」, 期間不少教堂建築及其空間設計原貌因各地方 教會往後發展成長, 而改建整修或拆除重建。為探討此期間教堂空 間產生的變化及其空間特徵、其與老舊教堂空間之關聯, 本研究選 定「臺灣基督長老教會」總會轄下之「彰化中會」, 其組織內各地方 教會教堂及蘭大衛紀念教會單一個別教會教堂為研究對象, 探討其 創設、興修之教堂建築本體各部細節之變異( 新、舊教堂之比較), 一則建立與登錄保存「臺灣基督長老教會」教堂空間建構與特徵資 料, 二則藉以了解個別教會之新舊教堂空間變遷及其發展脈絡。本 研究採用詮釋空間文本方法, 論述教堂空間建構與特徵。其次, 探 討處於臺灣當代文化之下, 且顧及「長老教會」之宣教策略, 應教 會因時因地制宜的新活動型態與新空間功能需求, 教會教堂建築空 間設計之趨勢及方向。


ABSTRACT The PKU movement was a revival within the Taiwan Presbyterian Church which began in late 54 and continued until mid-1965. Many new churches were built. Many old churches buildings were either torn down and replaced with a new building or, the original building was newly restored. This paper will research the differences in exterior facades & interior spaces of the PKU newly built and “restored” churches. By selecting Landsborough Memorial Church of Presbyterian Church as the first church to research and record the details of its “being built” process and any later changes to its structure including: damage, repair, improvements or changes to the original structure. The first goal is to record in detail the “origins” and “any facade and interior space” changes thereafter for 18 churches in Changhua County. The second goal and purpose is to compare and contrast the differences in the “facade” and “interior space” among these newly built (more modern) churches and the older restored churches. The Research method to be used is the Hermeneutics method. The conclusions are to: 1. Analyze current church design trends. 2. Predict future trends in church design. 3. Suggest best church design for space utilization and function.


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侯瑞娟(2015)。雲端教堂設計--- 以臺中市公益路之集合住宅頂樓的聚會場所為例〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2015.00031
