  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Personality, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment:An Example of Part-Time College Students Internship in the Food Industry and the Food Service Business

指導教授 : 諸承明


近年來由於高等教育普及化,擁有大專院校學歷之勞動人口數增加,而大專院校畢業生不願屈就基層工作比例也相對提高,以致基層人員招募不易,其中可培育為基層產線主管之人才更為稀少,加上資深產線人員及基層主管陸續退休,產生基層人力結構斷層,企業必須大量招募並更積極培育基層產線人員,始足以填補人力短缺情形。 本研究希望藉由了解在食品製造及餐飲業中,所進用之大專以上工讀生或實習生對於其工作滿意度、個人人格特質與組織承諾的關聯性,其中又以個人特質為干擾變項,觀察其對於工作滿意度與組織承諾的干擾效果,以期了解大專以上工讀生或實習生,對於未來個人之組織承諾,是否可符合企業未來人才培植計畫,以利企業執行人才訓練及晉升策略。 本研究以北部地區四所大專院校之食品製造及餐飲業校外實習學生為研究對象,透過紙本或網際網路發放問卷進行調查,總共發出300份問卷,其中有效問卷249份,無效問卷51 份,有效回收率為83 %,經由信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法,得出研究結果發現包含三項: 1、實習生在工作內容及對主管的滿足程度越高,對於組織承諾的程度就越高,此外,獎酬滿足程度越高對於組織承諾中之留職承諾程度就越高。 2、實習生越具有外向性人格特質,對於組織承諾程度就越高,主要因為人格特質傾向外向性之實習生,善於社交活動與接觸人群,故面對必須隨時與顧客互動解說之餐飲業,會具有較高之組織承諾程度。 3、實習生之工作滿足度越高,則組織承諾程度越高,但人格特質較傾向於親和性與外向性者,在獲得工作滿足後,對於組織承諾會展現出更高的程度,而人格特質較傾向於開放性者,在獲得工作滿足後,對於組織承諾會展現出較低的程度。 本研究建議後續研究者可再增加其他研究變項,或者變更其他可能之干擾變項來做更深入探討,再者考量實習制度可能會因地域性之不同,而產生不同之研究分析結果,故也建議後續研究者可依全台北、中、南各從中挑選幾間大專院校,進行研究分析,。並盡可能的提高有效問卷回收率,以利後續進一步做更完整性之研究分析,提供企業主管在人力資源管理政策制定上有更完整的資訊參考。


In recent years, as the popularization of higher education increases and so are the graduates. However, these graduates aren’t always willing to accept the basic or grass root level of works available. There is a difficulty in finding recruitment to replace them. Production lines are broken in these levels due to the retirement of its many senior staffs and officers. Industries have to make large scale recruitment and training for their replacement. This research data is gathered from the student trainees or interns from four colleges here in northern Taiwan. They are employed in the food and catering industry. This study took into consideration their varied personalities and traits with regard to their job satisfactions, personal and organizational commitments and observation in meeting the company future plan for personnel development and advancement. A total of 300 questionnaires of either through paper or internet surveys forms were sent out, of which 249 were valid and 51 invalidated with an effective rate of 83%. The reliability analysis of variance running through an independent sample T test, ANOVA Statistical Method and Multiple Regression Analysis was used. The result from this analysis composed of: 1.Trainees or interns are more committed to their working organizations if they are more satisfied with their superiors. In addition, the higher or more the rewards from the organizations, the higher also the degree of commitment. 2.Extrovert trainees or interns tend to be more committed to the work organizations in the food and catering industry. They tend to be more sociable and are in contact with people in their chosen field of works and thus will be more committed... 3.Trainees or interns who are more satisfied with their work will be more committed to their chosen field work industry. But those with personality traits of agreeableness and extroversion and are satisfied with their works will be more committed. While those with an openness personality will have lower level of commitment. I recommend follow study of other variables as to the place of origin of the trainees. Other colleges in the north to south of the country can be selected with more diverse questionnaires will give a more in-depth study and analysis. A more detail result of the research will be very helpful to the human resource executives and management in implementing complete reference policies.




