  • 學位論文

醫療產業關鍵績效指標建構之研究 --以博而美公司醫技事業群為例

Key Performance Indicators in medical industry - A Case Study of the MedTech Business Group of TBMS International Corporation

指導教授 : 劉立倫


關鍵績效指標是將目標管理的指標量化,並將企業戰略目標成為操作的工作目標,也是企業績效管理的基礎。本次研究是藉由博而美公司醫技事業群現有的績效指標,經與專家溝通建構成層級概念的架構模型,此次研究層級架構的構面部分,是以現行企業戰略指標的平衡計分卡模式中的四大架構建立,在準則部分共整理出二十項醫技事業群現以執行的準則同建構完成。 本次研究是將醫技事業群的關鍵績效的層級架構,設計成符合FAHP 的問卷格式,在邀請醫療產業專家訪談後,利用 FAHP 計算出權重,在構面部分以學習成長與未來發展之評估指標(36.2%)和事業體年度財務執行指標(33.2%)最為重要,在準則部分以部門業績達成率(16.51%)、公司核心價值與行為準則之遵循(13.60%)和公司核心價值與行為準則之遵循(8.64%)最為重要。 上述構面及準則可做為醫技事業群未來規劃新的戰略目標的關鍵績效指標,也可以讓醫療產業需要建構關鍵績效指標時作為參考。


Key Performance Indicators, KPIs are quantitative indicators of objective management and utilized as operational targets and foundation of enterprise performance management. This study is utilizing medical technology business group’s existing performance indicators of TBMS Corporation and through communicating with the experts to build architectural structure model.Meanwhile, this study is based on the balanced scorecard’s four perspectives of enterprise strategic indicators and completed by concluding twenty of existing conduction guidelines. This study is a key performance medical technology business group's hierarchical structure, designed to meet the FAHP questionnaire format, at the invitation of the medical industry expert interviews, use FAHP calculate the weights in the facet portion Learning Assessment growth and future development indicators and business units annual financial performance indicators of the most important criteria in part to reach a rate of sector performance, follow the company's core values and code of conduct and follow the most important of the company's core values and the Code of conduct. The aforementioned facets and can be used as guidelines for future medical technology business group planning new strategic goal of key performance indicators, but also allows health care industry needs to build key performance indicators as a reference.


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林燕姜(2017)。醫療器材優良製造規範及優良流通規範管理與內部稽核機制之研究 --以博而美企業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700060
