  • 學位論文


Exploring the Causes of Labor Shortage in Taiwan’s Hospitality Industry

指導教授 : 丁姵元


隨著服務業的發展,其中餐旅產業家數也不斷上升,目前雖其有許多相關科系培育學生,但餐旅產業仍屬流動率高、存在缺工問題的現象,隨著時代的變遷,過去研究多屬學校特性、產業因素所造成的問題,而本研究將探討其不同因素造成餐旅產業缺工。 本研究以質性研究、半結構式的訪談方法,與談旅館業與餐飲業老闆、工作者及顧問、老師共十七名受訪者進行訪談、研究分析,將其提供之想法、建議分為五面,分別為時代變遷、學校制度、企業面、產業特性及求職者個人面進行彙整。由於時代的變遷受到過去價值觀的影響,加上少子化、全球化、法令過時等因素使得企業缺工,學校方面由於高等教育擴張,忽略技職教育,企業本身也存有許多的問題需進行改善,求職者受到產業、大環境影響其進入餐旅產業的意願。 本研究將研究結果以職位類別區分,將餐旅產業缺工原因分為基層員工、中階員工、廚師三種不同類別,分別就不同類別探討不同因素導致餐旅產業缺工的原因,其中包含缺乏對科系的瞭解、自我探索、受挫力,加上對職業的刻板印象、客人態度、選擇機會多、中央廚房興起廚藝失傳等因素,使得餐旅產業員工的招募、留任困難。


Accompany the development of service industry, the number in hospitaly industry increase. Thought many schools nurture hospitality students, the industry remains with high turnover rate and labor shortage. The past researches focused the problems on school characteristics and industry factors, this research explores other factors that cause the labor shortage in the hospitality industry. The research uses qualitative and half structural interview methods by interviewing 17 owners of restaurants, workers, and consultants. Their thinking and suggestion can be divided into five aspects, namely the change of era, school system, enterprise, industry character, and individual employee. The intention of job seek is affected by past value system in facing era change, fewer children, globalization, overdue legislation which link with labor shortage in business, overexpansion in higher education, the ignorance in technical education, and its own problems in business. The research findings are presented in three function of office, basic level employee, middle level employee and chef. There are different factors resulting in labor shortage in the hospitality industry including lack of understanding in study subject and self-exploration, less pressure bearing capability, plus the stereotype toward the job, attitude of customer, other choices, and retention more difficult in the hospitality industry.


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