  • 學位論文


Using Fuzzy Theory to Resolve One-to-Many and Multi-Stage Negotiation Mechanism Conflict Problem

指導教授 : 饒忻


近年來,在許多領域都可以看見協商代理人的應用,如電子交易、談判議價、製程安排等,而企業要如何訂定一套協商機制與選擇合作夥伴,也是解決問題重要考量。 本研究以多階層協商架構為主,考量立場強度及雙方的關係程度來探討與客戶及協力廠協商時,中心廠可能做出的決策,並加入了「喜好程度」及「讓步程度」兩歸屬函數設計出多個模糊規則,讓協商模型更加符合實際的情況。本研究利用了效用值與協商數做為績效指標,分析不同情境下的協商結果,以及其差異性,另外還探討了在不同的立場組合及關係程度下,中心廠的個別效用值及協商雙方的總效用值之變化,最後再針對不同的協商順序進行分析。藉由此研究可以做為企業進行協商設計利用一對多與多階層協商機制時的參考。


In recent years, there are many applications on agent negotiation in various areas, such as electronic commerce, bargaining negotiation, and manufacturing processes arrangement. For enterprises, how to develop an effective collaborative mechanism and select suitable partners are essential, which let negotiation become an important tool for solving problems with partners. This study develops a multi-stage negotiation framework with consideration of strong-or-weak standing point and degree of relation to explore the possible choices made by an enterprise during the negotiation with a customer and subcontractors. In addition, this study brings both "preference degree" and "concession degree" into developing fuzzy rules to make the negotiation model more realistic. This study uses joint utility and negotiation thread as performance indices to analyze results and discuss different scenarios. Moreover, we discuss enterprise utility and joint utility under various standing point combination and different degree of relation. Finally, we also analyze the effect of different negotiation sequence. We believe that this study can serve as a reference for an enterprise during multi-stage negotiations.


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