  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Smart Headlight by Multi-Channel LED

指導教授 : 吳章銘


現今智慧汽車發展已經發展到一個新的境界,智能汽車特斯拉的問世,以及蘋果公司想發展屬於自己的智能汽車,這些都已經顛覆傳統汽車只是交通工具的想法,現今汽車搭載有主動式安全系統及輔助駕駛系統等,連原本的汽車硬體設備,例如車門、煞車、變速箱、車燈等都變得智慧化,讓汽車更能輔助駕駛,讓行車變得更安全,這些都將演進成一套智能輔助系統。智慧車用輔助系統需要由許多微控制器、感測晶片、通訊介面等去做控制和整合,在晶片發展已經相當成熟今天,變得相當的容易及便捷;智慧車用輔助系統已經是現代消費者在購買車款的一大考量;好的車用輔助系統可以讓駕駛在行駛時更加安全、直觀且輕鬆。 本論文致力於研究和建構智慧車燈系統,車燈是駕駛的眼睛,透過微處理器的控制,能改善原本傳統車燈照明角度問題,在一般情況下汽車駕駛會擔心去影響其他用路人的情況而縮小了自己的照明範圍,導致自己的視野不佳而造成危險。本篇論文中建構了一套智慧車燈系統,使用 控制器區域網路匯流排做為傳輸基礎,透過設計多通道LED光源、定電流驅動電源及微處理器的控制,實際地建構一套多通道LED智慧車燈系統。


Today, the vehicles are equipped with the intelligent electronic systems to improve the safety and convenience for driving. There are the active safety systems and the advanced driver assistance systems. Even, the improvement can be refined the on the doors, brakes, gearboxes, headlights, seats, air conditioners, and more traditional car equipment. The electronic components of the intelligent systems are constructed by the sensors, microcontrollers, and communication protocols. The assisted electronic intelligent systems become as the one important part of the considerations and motivations for the consumers to buy cars. In our dissertation, we devote the smart car headlight systems. In our car headlight systems, we improve the vehicle headlight irradiation by multi-channel LED light source. We make the constant current source to keep the LED light fixation. Also, we increase the response time in the headlight system with combining the electronic microcontroller and the transmission protocol. We adopt the Controller Area Network (CAN) as the transmission line to increase response time and reliability. In our developed system, we provide the vehicle headlight irradiation by multi-channel LED light and control the energy power by the constant current source.


CAN Bus Smart Headlight Multi-Channel LED


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