  • 學位論文

企業經營策略矩陣分析之研究─ 以L公司為例

A Study of the Matrix of Business Strategies: A Case Study of L Company

指導教授 : 李雨師


策略管理是影響企業成敗的重要關鍵因素,在激烈競爭環境的前提下,企業如何去思考降低營運成本、提高效率,以及提高產品的競爭能力。策略規劃的思考模式,是企業能夠永續發展的重要項目之一,本研究主要的目的希望能夠研究企業的競爭模式,發展出企業如何在激烈的競爭環境之下,找到一個提升競爭力的方法。 本研究以傳統性的鋼結構產業之L公司為研究對象,透過司徒達賢(2016)提出的策略矩陣分析法,分析個案公司之二個策略模組,其研究結果歸納個案公司兩大策略重點,重點一為「建立良好的商譽,其內容包括完工速度快、品質佳、成為電子業首選等三項」,重點二為「開拓新市場,其內容敘述重點為新南向政策、跨領域思維、學習新技術等三項」,個案公司藉由策略的分析,積極從傳統產業成功轉型為節能產業,持續的開發新市場並擴大經營。期待能藉由本個案研究,提供傳統性產業在策略管理分析之應用。


Strategic management is an important key factor affecting the success or failure of enterprises. Under the premise of fierce competitive environment, companies might need to think about reducing operating costs, improving efficiency, and enhancing product competitiveness. Considering the mode of Strategic planning is one of the important projects for the sustainable development of enterprises. The main purpose of this research is to study the competition model of enterprises and develop a path for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness in the fierce competitive environment. This study takes L company in the traditional steel structure industry as the research object, and analyzes the two strategic modules of the case company through the strategy matrix analysis method proposed by Situ Tak Hsien (2016), and the research results summarize the two major strategic priorities of the case company The first point is "building a good reputation business, which includes three items: fast completion, high quality, and becoming the first choice of the electronics industry." The second focus is "opening up new markets, and its content narration focuses on three items: “New Southbound Policy”, cross-domain thinking, and learning new technologies." By strategic analysis, the case company has successfully transformed from the traditional industry to an energy-saving industry, and continues to develop new markets and expand operations. We look forward to providing the application of traditional industries in strategic management analysis through this case study.


中華民國鋼結構協會(2020) ,「中華民國鋼結構協會官網」。(取得日期:2019年12月30日),[https://www.tiscnet.org.tw/]。
