  • 學位論文


A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Movable Adverbs in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 鄧守信 梁竣瓘


副詞的分類一直以來都是許多專家學者常有爭議的部分,在本文作者翻閱了許多專家學者的論文及教材後,發現最早出現「移動性副詞(Movable Adverb)」此副詞次類,是於耶魯大學(Yale University)1966年的漢語教材《初級漢語教材(Beginning Chinese)》中,且關於「移動性副詞」的研究更是學者們少有深入討論的議題。除了「不論置於主語前或主語後皆符合語法」此定義之外,對於其在句中不同位置的功能有何不同少有解釋,因此本文旨在探討「移動性副詞」在句中不同位置時在功能上有何不同,以及其在現代漢語教學中的副詞次類分類是否恰當,並使用中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫作為分析語料的取材來源。移動性副詞可以語義劃分為評注及時間兩類。根據語料庫中取材的語料分析的結果顯示,大部分的移動性評注副詞在句中以置於主語前較為常見,而移動性時間副詞則相反,但兩者移位後亦皆合法。至於其在句中的功能,結果發現移動性平注副詞以說話者針對全事件之評注為主,而移動性時間副詞則是針對整個句子之修飾。當兩者出現在句首時,對聽話者而言較為響亮,算是強調的一種,而位於動詞前則為兩者之基式。兩者皆屬句狀語,但教學時應以各自常出現之位置為優先教學之目標。


The classification of adverbs has been a controversial topic among researchers of Mandarin Chinese. After reading numerous papers and textbooks, the author of this study found that the term “Movable Adverb” was first mentioned in a textbook published by Yale University in 1966 called “Beginning Chinese.” Nevertheless, analysis of “Movable Adverb” has been rather scanty outside of its definition of “being able to occur both before and after the subject of a sentence.” This study aims to explore the semantic differences between instances of movable adverbs appearing at the beginning of a sentence and those after the subject, by analyzing the data collected from Academia Sinica Balanced corpus of Modern Chinese. According to previous studies, movable adverbs in most cases are classified as adverbs of attitude (or mood) and adverbs of time. We discovered that adverbs of attitude show a higher tendency of appearing at the beginning of a sentence with a purpose of indicating speaker’s viewpoint on the event in question, while adverbs of time tend to comply with the word order of the base structure in Mandarin Chinese and appear just before verbs. But when adverbs of time appear at the beginning of a sentence, they are implying a hint of emphasis for the listener. Based on the results of this study, a pedagogy of movable adverbs is included for teaching Mandarin Chinese as a second language.


