  • 學位論文


Study of Energy-saving for Factory facilities

指導教授 : 吳燦明


近年來,國內外發生熱浪、暴雨、乾旱等極端氣候災害,直接影響製造業的生產經營,如供應鏈或運輸中斷、建築物設備損壞、洪澇乾旱、熱浪等惡劣天氣導致水電消耗大幅增加等。與此同時,氣候災難正在悄然改變對商品或服務的需求,例如高滲透性道路鋪路的出現,取代了傳統的瀝青。有效把握氣候變化帶來的影響和商機,對企業的經營和競爭力影響很大。 由於節能解決方案的種類很多,因此本研究討論的主題是為工廠建立適當的評估標準以及資源有限條件下節能解決方案的選擇。節能措施主要包括電源管理和設備更換。本報告還分析了工廠節能措施和電源管理解決方案的有效性。 自 1950 年以來,在氣候系統的各個層面都觀察到了幾十年甚至數千年來從未見過的變化:大氣和海洋變暖、雪冰消失、海平面上升、溫室氣體濃度增加,如果碳排放繼續下去,最壞的情況是到本世紀末達到 4.8°C, 最壞的情況是海平面將上升82釐米;這甚至比2007年對高達4°C的變暖和60釐米海平面上升的評估更不樂觀。   世界主要的能源趨勢是節能減碳,工商業的快速發展,以及各個大都市商業建築的如雨後春筍般湧現,如何減少電力消耗的增長已成為未來全民的一大挑戰。   除工藝設備外,建築物中的耗能設備還包括氣壓、照明、監控系統、空調、潔凈室、純凈水、消防和廢水處理等,以及太陽能光伏等替代能源的安裝。 由於節能解決方案的種類很多,因此本研究要探討的主題是在資源有限的情況下為工廠的各種設備和設施建立適當的評估標準以及節能解決方案的實施。節能措施主要包括潔凈室能源管理,本文以節能優秀案例為例。




In recent years, extreme climate disasters such as heat waves, heavy rains, and droughts have occurred at home and abroad, which have directly affected the production and operation of the manufacturing industry, such as supply chain or transportation disruptions, damage to buildings and equipment, and large increases in water and electricity consumption caused by severe weather such as floods and droughts and heat waves. At the same time, climate disasters are quietly changing the demand for goods or services, such as the emergence of highly permeable road paving that replaces traditional asphalt. Effectively grasping the impact and business opportunities brought by climate change has highly affected the operation and competitiveness of enterprises! Since there are many types of energy-saving solutions, the topic discussed in this study is the establishment of appropriate evaluation criteria for factories and the selection order of energy-saving solutions under the condition of limited resources. Energy-saving measures mainly include power management and equipment replacement. This report also analyzes the effectiveness of factory energy-saving measures and power management solutions. Since 1950, changes not seen in decades, if not thousands of years, have been observed at all levels of the climate system: warming of the atmosphere and oceans, loss of snow ice, rising sea levels, increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, and if carbon emissions continue, the worst-case scenario is 4.8°C by the end of the century, and sea levels will rise by 82 cm at worst; This is even less optimistic than the 2007 assessment of up to 4°C warming and 60 cm of sea level rise.   The main energy trends in the world are energy conservation and carbon reduction, the rapid development of industry and commerce, and the mushrooming of commercial buildings in various metropolises, how to reduce the growth of electricity consumption has become a major challenge for the whole people in the future.   In addition to process equipment, energy-consuming equipment in buildings also includes air pressure, lighting, monitoring systems, air conditioning, clean rooms, pure water, fire protection and wastewater treatment, etc., along with the installation of alternative energy such as solar photovoltaics.   Since there are many types of energy-saving solutions, the topics to be explored in this study are the establishment of appropriate evaluation criteria for various equipment and facilities of factories under the condition of limited resources and the implementation of energy-saving solutions. Energy-saving measures mainly include clean room energy management, and this study takes excellent cases of energy conservation as a case study.


Energy Saving Issues


[1] 製造業調適指引 (tgpf.org.tw)
[2] 2013年第五次評估報告氣候變化:物理科學基礎 — IPCC
[3] 臺灣氣候變遷推估資訊與調適知識平台 (nat.gov.tw)
[4] 氣候變遷相關財務揭露 (TCFD) 永續決策新趨勢 - CSR@天下 (cw.com.tw)
[5] 首頁 - 工業節能服務網 (itri.org.tw)
