  • 學位論文


The Vision Design Report of Oolong Tea of Longtan Township, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


茶在中國人的生活中一直保有著非常重要的角色。儘管時過境遷來自西方的咖啡文化注入了東方人的生活,卻沒能取代中國人愛喝茶的習性。由近幾年來便利超商所陳列之茶品飲料種類日趨增加中可窺見一二,喝茶已不是老年人的專利,年輕族群喝茶的人也逐年增加。 生在桃園,長在桃園,三十多個年頭過去,總覺得,該回饋給這塊孕育我的土地些什麼,因而在決定論文方向時,很自然地就想到,要拿生活週遭現有的題材來發揮。因緣際會,經由同事的引介,造訪了行政院農委會桃園茶業改良場,對桃園的茶業發展史有了初步的了解;循著國人的飲茶文化和習慣,抽絲剝繭地了解國人的茶道文化,進而分析國人對茶製品的消費行為,赫然發現,國內的茶品不論在包裝或各種行銷手法上,與其他產業相較,均遠遠遜色,在國人保健觀念逐年提升、品茶謂為生活享受的時代,更覺得推廣桃園縣內所產茶業,替桃園縣創立一個縣品牌,進而開創桃園製茶產業的第二春,應為桃園縣民不容推辭的職志。 桃園縣的茶品,又以龍潭鄉最負盛名,除因地形上多屬丘陵地,獨特的「紅土」地質景觀,更令人嘆為觀止!紅土土質為酸性,雖然不適合多數作物的生長,由於本身排水性良好、富鐵質,加上龍潭氣候溫和多霧、雨量充沛,卻成為種植茶樹最天然、優良的環境。其中又以白毫烏龍茶最具代表性,除了茶葉本身,經由專吸食茶芽的「小綠葉蟬」蛀蝕後獨特的香氣,輔以製程中,決對不能噴灑農藥的特性,本研究遂以規劃白毫烏龍茶整體視覺設計為發展主軸,特別強調:本茶品為有機栽培、不含農藥、自然栽種、無污染等概念,提升產品之健康形象。讓消費者在喝茶的同時,能親身感受到茶葉品牌所擁護的價值。


Tea plays a very important role in the Chinese daily life. Even though the newcomer from western world – coffee – has joined in to become a part of eastern life, it has failed to replace the tea drinking culture of Chinese people. In these few years, more and more different tea related drinks have been put up on the rack of the supermarkets, and it indicates that tea drinking culture is no longer just among the old people; the number of younger people who drinking tea has been increasing as well. Born in Taoyuan, and grew up in Taoyuan, I feel that I have to do something to repay the place that nourish me for thirty years. Therefore, when deciding the direction of thesis, the first thing pop up in my head was that I should use material from the surrounding of my daily life. On one special occasion, I paid a visit to Taiwan Tea Experiment Station, COA, EY, and I have learned some basic ideas of the history of Taoyuan tea development. By studying and analyzing tea drinking culture and habit among the people in Taiwan, I've learned about consumer's motivation and consumer's behaviors. Compare to other industries, Taiwanese tea products have the weakness on both marketing and packaging. Because tea products are healthier, there are more and more people enjoying consuming them. As a resident of Taoyuan Hsien, it is my responsibility to promote Taoyuan Hsien's tea products, and help pushing Taoyuan Hsien's tea products and brand to the market. Longtan Township has the best tea products in Taoyuan Hsien. First of all, its landforms are mostly hills, and it has unique acid 'red soil' that has a better water drainage, and contains rich iron. Also, warm and humid weather of Longtan makes perfect environment for growing the tea plants.Oolong Tea is the best representational tea products among others; besides tealeaves, another special flavor coming from a little sprout-eating insect called “Amrasca biguttula” (Ishida). After the little insects bore through the tea sprouts, they remain an unique flavor on the tea leaves; the tea plants have to be chemical free to allow the insects to process on the plants. This study focuses mainly on planing the visual design of Oolong Tea. I use the focal points – the tea is organic, no chemical, no pollution, and some other similar concepts to build a healthier image to the public; it convinces consumers that by drinking this tea, they can actually feel the value of this tea and this brand.




