  • 學位論文


Exploring the Process of Fostering Resilience through Service-Learning

指導教授 : 丁姵元


中文摘要 一般來說,七年級生在大眾的眼裡與「草莓族」劃上等號,他們因挫折忍受力低,造成對社會的負面影響,解決問題要由培養挫折忍受力開始。然而,國內大專院校少有挫折忍受力的相關課程。 本研究目的在專業服務學習課程的情境中,觀察學生合作及與業主之間的互動,包含學生面臨到哪些挫折、當下的反應及其影響、如何提昇挫折忍受力以及哪些資源與方法有助於學生適應挫折及發展挫折忍受力。本研究以質性研究的方法探討挫折忍受力產生的過程及影響因素,並藉由訪談參與學生對挫折從發生到解決的看法,了解其中的過程及意義。 研究發現由於本課程不同於一般服務學習只偏重服務效能,強調同時兼顧服務效能與運用所學達到學習效果的方式。此專業服務學習課程給學生一個在真實環境中充分應用課堂所學的機會,並從與服務對象之間的互動,增加服務的意義及專業的學習。研究結果顯示,課程中要求學生體驗服務實務,學生在面對來自服務主、團隊及其他方面的挫折,都讓學生感到難以適應,然而其中可以支持學生面對挫折的力量便是來自老師、服務主、團隊的支持與關懷。並且,由研究發現,學生在透過課程可以幫助組織定位和推廣等相關活動,也可幫助學生得到類似實習的機會。同時,証據顯示,學生透過實務的應用及問題解決過程,提昇自我概念。學生在反思學習中,他們的自主的概念、問題解決能力、溝通能力、跨領域學習等能力都有增加。而這些恰與學者提出的挫折忍受力中的內在保護因子雷同,因此可推論學生透過課程所學習的能力亦可幫助學生面對下次的挫折,以增進學生的挫折忍受力。透過研究可發現學生增進挫折忍受力的歷程,其結論可供老師在相關課程設計做為參考,亦可供諮商人員設計活動所用。


Abstract In Taiwan, young people aged 18-24 years old are categorized as the "strawberry generation", which means they cannot bear pressure without being blemished. Therefore, building up the ability of resilience is an important topic in education today. However, there is a lack of curriculum aiming at fostering resiliency in the higher education. As it is demonstrated in the past research, service learning has shown to be an effective way in fostering the students’ ability in resiliency. Nevertheless, there seems to be very few researches which illustrate the process of how student develop the skill. Consequently, the aim of this research is to explore the process of fostering the ability of resiliency in a service-learning course. Through the observation and interview of the students, the result of the research shows that they students encounter many difficulties and the frustration in the process. However, the evidence seems to suggest that their resilience skill bas been built up. There are three points in research findings. Firstly, the data shows that backing and encouragement from the teachers and peers seems to play an important role in supporting the students in the process of facing all kinds of problems and difficulties. Secondly, the students have improved self concept, problem solving skills, communication skills and interdisciplinary learning abilities. Thirdly, the students’ self-esteem seems to be boosted in the process that their resilieny skill as also been increased as well. It is hoped that the findings of the research help the educators, researchers and social workers who are interested in fostering resiliency.


Resilience service-learning


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