  • 學位論文


A Study on the Customer Relationship Management of Online Music Services

指導教授 : 皮世明


數位時代的來臨,許多商品都已經邁向網路商務管道來進行銷售,包含音樂這項產品也從實體商店逐漸地轉換至網路上販賣,帶動起音樂的數位化與網路化的發展。近年來唱片市場的不景氣,促使全球唱片業者積極投入線上音樂這塊市場,而線上音樂服務業者該如何讓付費會員的滿意度達到最佳化,並且願意持續使用是一項重要課題。由於,使用者付費觀念已經漸為一般民眾接受,也讓線上音樂市場活絡了起來。因此,本研究將從服務提供者品質、內容品質、以及網站服務品質的角度探討其對線上音樂服務付費會員滿意度之間的影響,並且進一步探討顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度之關係,進行顧客關係管理模式之因素探究。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象是線上音樂服務的付費會員,共計回收有效樣本305份。在資料分析方法上,以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling; SEM)中的部分最小平方法(Partial Least Squares; PLS)作為分析方法,檢定各變數之間的路徑關係,估計衡量參數,整體模式的契合度,所使用的軟體是SPSS13.0 for Windows 與Visual PLS 1.04。本研究結果發現,線上音樂顧客滿意度會受到隱私、系統有效性、服務提供者可靠度、認知娛樂、認知易用以及履行有正向顯著的影響,而顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度也有顯著的正向影響。本研究藉由提出一個學術上符合探討線上音樂服務的品質及其期望建立一套客觀的線上音樂服務顧客關係管理模式,並加以檢驗,期望研究結果能提供線上音樂業者更多營運上的意涵及參考方向。


Many products selling on the Internet channel include music which is also selling from physical stores to online stores, developing the digitization music. The music records are during the depression, making the global music records active on the online music, but how do the online music service provider make pay members’ optimization degree of satisfaction, and want to continue use it are important session. Due to use it and pay for it was common understanding, it also makes the music records active. Hence, the study will research between the service quality, the content quality, and the website service quality which influence the pay members’ satisfaction, and study the relationship with customer degree of satisfaction as regards customer loyalty. Further, the study probes the factors of customer relationship management. The research method in this paper is survey, carried out online music pay members, and 305 respondents are received. This study is adopting Partial Least Squares(PLS) to analysis the collected data. The result of statistical analysis provided several conclusions. Online music customer degree of satisfaction from one's privacy, system availability, provider reliability, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use and carry out had positive influence, and customer degree of satisfaction as regards customer loyalty also had positive influence. The study make an online music customer relationship management mode with conform to online music service’s quality, and exam it, the result can provide online music service provider more operation meanings and reference direction.


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