  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Service Oriented Architecture Application in Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Industry‘s B2B Enterprise Service Bus System

指導教授 : 黃天佑


隨著商業活動的全球化及平面化,近年來台灣半導體封裝測試產業IT部門皆面臨著極大的挑戰,那就是需要支援來自全世界各國不同公司的客戶所建立在不同系統平台上資料報表,目前台灣半導體封裝測試產業IT部門普遍面臨使用已久的系統功能或環境已經沒有辦法滿足現在整體大環境之需求,開發在不同平台的內部系統導致於系統整合的難度增加並浪費更多的人力。開發一個新的系統架構可以滿足來自世界各地層出不窮的系統需求並可以整合舊系統已成了各半導體封裝測試產業IT部門首要的目標。為了解決此問題,近年來軟體業界推出服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA),服務導向架構是一種整合各種建立在不同平台上應用程式架構的概念,將應用程式及資源以可重複使用的「服務」方式呈現,使用標準化的介面使其可以相互溝通,藉此提供更高彈性、更高效率、及資訊整合的IT環境。 本研究主要探討半導體封裝測試產業企業電子商務資訊系統在服務導向架構下之應用狀況可行性,透過雛型系統建置,來驗證企業電子商務系統在服務導向架構架構下可達到的成效。在本文中以A公司中資訊管理流程做為雛型系統的需求來源,模擬實際新增的客戶資料報表時的需求,以J2EE作為本系統之實作技術平台,並以BPM 系統工具UML作為模型描述工具。在本文中採取UML文件作為系統分析文件設計的主要工具,並使用USE CASE 與活動圖來描述需求模型的系統範圍與系統角色間的活動關係和流程,並進一步使用User Interface 、循序圖作為與使用者溝通作業畫面需求的工具。為快速實作物件模型,本文使用一個中介設計軟體(無國界)工具來定義在系統中所使用的物件,其在此工具中將所需之各類物件個別定義為XML格式物件定義檔,透過MODEL COMPILER 的方式快速的將所定義的物件轉換為J2EE平台上的程式碼,最後利用Web介面進行實際狀況的測試。此系統發展包含了服務導向架構中快速,彈性整合系統服務的必要元素。


As the globalization of business activities, all Information technology depertments in Semiconductor packaging and testing industry are facing a big callenge. That is different system requirement from different customers in all over the world. Currently the old system achertacher is no longer can support such high speed Variation for system changes. Old System architecture increases the difficultly of system integration. How to develop a system which can support the different requirements from different customer has became a major task for all IT departments. To solve this problem, software industry has developed the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The main concept of SOA is to intergat all different system functions which develop on the different platform and make them can talk to each other. Under SOA, the system components can be re-use and use the stabdard UI to display the result. This can reduse the system develop time and make sysem structure can be more flexable to meet different customer requirements. The main purpose of this research is to confirm SOA structure can solve the issue for IT deparement in Semiconductor packaging and testing industry. Through the prototype system building, this reaserch is to verify the effectiveness of system development for business use under the SOA structure. The reaserch use real system development process in A Company and simulate the customer request in B2B system development process. Using J2EE as the simulation system platform, UML in BPM tools for system process flow, and USE Case activity figure, the simulation system can use MODEL COMPILER to transfer the program code into XML langerage. Then, use the EIP web BI to confirm the simulation result. The system includes the key components in service-oriented development framework for fast, flexible system integration services, a necessary element.


B2B Service-Oriented Architecture


詹智仁,政府資訊入口網站之建置研究─以教育部僑民教育委員會為例,碩士論文, 中原大學,資訊管理研究所,2002。
遠擎管理顧問公司, 2001 年台灣企業資訊入口網站評估報告, 遠擎管理顧問公司,2002。
