  • 學位論文


A Study of the Government Information Portal-The Case of Committee on Oversea Chinese Education in Ministry of Education

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


利用資訊科技建構高效能的電子化政府的理念,已成為世界先進各國的共識。因此各國政府都積極地推動屬於政府單位的企業e化,在各種企業e化的策略中,企業資訊入口網站更被視為企業e化的最終呈現窗口。然政府機關與民間企業在組織特性並不相同,民間企業是以獲利為企業精神,而政府機關則是以服務民眾為精神,因此本研究以企業資訊入口網站架構為主,透由訪談現行政府資訊入口網站,歸納出政府資訊入口網站之建構要素,最後以入口建置方向分析建構要素,進而著手建構出符合政府單位的資訊入口網站。 本研究在企業資訊入口網站的定義上,以Shilakes和Tylman〈1998〉兩位學者對企業資訊入口網站的定義為基礎,整理出企業資訊入口網站的三大特性:單一介面、獲取企業內外部資訊及銜接企業內部流程;在企業資訊入口網站的建構要素共分為六大部分:權限控管、協同合作、內容管理、個人化、知識管理及企業應用整合。而政府單位基於不同的需求會對應出不同的建構要素,在入口網站設計方向中,以使用者類型與使用者需求為分類基礎,共分為四個象限: 第一象限:使用者種類為內部使用者,使用者需求為資訊獲取,包含企業資訊入口網站架構中的「權限控管」、「內容管理」及「知識管理」三個建構要素。 第二象限:使用者種類為內部使用者,使用者的需求為服務請求,包含企業資訊入口網站架構中的「權限控管」、「個人化」、「協同合作」及「企業應用整合」。 第三象限:使用者為外部使用者,使用者需求為資訊獲取,包含企業資訊入口網站架構中的「內容管理」。 第四象限:使用者為外部使用者,使用者需求為服務請求,包含企業資訊入口網站架構中的「個人化」、「協同合作」及「企業應用整合」。 本研究在最後提出在政府資訊入口網站的建構順序上應是以「U」字型逆時鐘的建置順序,也就是第三象限→第一象限→第二象限→第四象限的建置順序。


Building a high performance government with IT is a common view for every country. For this reason, every country lends an impetus to become an e-Enterprise that belongs to their government. In all e-Enterprise strategics, EIP is taken into a final window. But in the characteristics of organization, the government is different from the private enterprise. The spirit of a private enterprise is to make a profit, but that of a government is to service the public. According to these, EIP is the base of my research. My research generalizes the elements of EIP from the interview. Finally, my research employs these elements to build a information portal that fits in with a government. The definition of EIP is according to Shilakes and Tylman, and synthesizes relative study to bring up three points: a single web interface、get the enterprise inner or external information of a enterprise、connection the inner process of a enterprise. The EIP’s elements is differentiated between six sections: Management ofthe limits of authority、Collaboration、Content management、Personalize、Knowledge management、EAI. For different need, we should give different element to a department of the government. In the framework of the designing portal, my research differentiates between four quadrant with different of the user’s kind and different of the user’s need. The four quadrant is : The first quadrant: user’s kind is inner user, and the user’s need is information. So it must emphasize Management ofthe limits of authority、Content management、and Knowledge management. The second quadrant: user’s kind is inner user, and the user’s need is service. So it must emphasize Management ofthe limits of authority、Personalize、Collaboration and EAI. The third quadrant: user’s kind is external user, and the user’s need is information. So it must emphasize Content Managemant. The fourth quadrant: user’s kind is external user, and the user’s need is service. So it must emphasize Personalize、Collaboration and EAI. Finally, my research finds that the government information portal must be built by the order that is from third quadrant to first quadrant and then to second quadrant and then to fourth quadrant. It seems like ”U”.


e-Gov e-Enterprise Government Information Portal EIP GIP


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