  • 學位論文


The Effect of Anger on Behavior Inhibition in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xbf91078)


摘 要 人有能力改變自己的行為傾向,也就是行為的執行控制(Schmeichel, 2007),執行控制(executive control)通常被認為是許多能力的集合,讓個體能夠調整其思考與動作(Norman & Shallice, 1986),以更有效率的執行目標行為。若執行控制出現缺損,則容易表現出反應和行為抑制的困難,一般稱此特徵為「衝動性行為」。心理學家普遍認為ADHD兒童的主要核心問題為「行為抑制的缺陷」,Barkley(1997)提出執行功能混合模式(A hybrid model of executive function),指出行為抑制缺陷間接干擾了ADHD兒童目標導向行為的控制,情緒的自我控制也被認為是ADHD兒童的問題,當ADHD兒童遇到挫折時,他們會極端生氣而不容易安撫,衝動行為就更加難以制止。 ADHD行為抑制缺損的證據來自許多使用動作抑制作業的研究,目前研究上最常使用的行為抑制測量為停止信號作業(Stop-signal task,簡稱SST),由Logan & Cowan(1984)發展,相當廣泛地應用於行為抑制的實驗室研究,主要測量「進行中行為」或是「優勢反應的抑制能力」,本研究用以評估ADHD兒童在生氣情緒前後的行為抑制表現變化。 本研究的假設有三:(1) ADHD兒童在停止信號作業(SST)上的表現明顯較控制組兒童差,即反應時間較慢、錯誤率較高、遺漏率較高,(2) ADHD兒童在實驗操弄之後引發的生氣情緒明顯高於控制組兒童,(3) ADHD兒童的生氣情緒影響行為抑制,SST表現變差,即反應時間增長、錯誤率增加、遺漏率也增加。研究對象為34位ADHD兒童為臨床組及36位一般國小學童為控制組,進行生氣引發的實驗操弄,評估其生氣情緒變化及行為抑制能力。 研究結果發現:(1) ADHD兒童在一般狀態下的生氣情緒明顯高於控制組兒童,遇到挫折事件的生氣情緒反應也一般兒童強烈,但也和控制組兒童一樣的進行生氣情緒的自我調節,回復後的生氣情緒仍然比原本的生氣情緒狀態高,可能在生氣情緒的回復上較為緩慢,需要較長的時間才能回復至原來的狀態,(2) ADHD兒童的遺漏率明顯高於控制組兒童,表示ADHD兒童有明顯的注意力缺損,沒有注意到刺激或是反應過慢而遺漏太多反應,造成過多的遺漏反應,(3) 生氣情緒引發之後,出現反應時間越來越慢、遺漏率越來越高的趨勢,表示生氣情緒引發後確實有行為抑制表現變差的情形,且ADHD生氣情緒越強烈反應時間越快、錯誤率越高。


Abstract People have the ability to change their behavior, that is, the executive control of behavior(Schmeichel, 2007). Executive control is considered a collection of many capacities usually. It is allow individuals to adjust their thinking and action(Norman & Shallice, 1986), and completed the goal behavior more efficiently. If the executive control is deficit. It is difficult to response and inhibits behavior. This is general called” impulsive behavior”. Psychologists generally agreed that the main core issue of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) child is the deficit of behavior control. Barkley(1997)instruction “A hybrid model of executive function” , pointed out deficiencies in behavioral inhibition indirectly, it interfered the goal-oriented behavior of ADHD child. Emotional self-control is also considered the issue of ADHD children, When ADHD children are frustrated, they will be extreme anger, impulsive behavior is even more difficult to control. ADHD behavioral inhibition defect of evidence from many behavior inhibit research, the most frequently used measurement of behavior inhibition is the stop-signal task (SST), by Logan & Cowan (1984). Quite widely used in laboratory studies of behavior inhibition, the main measurement “interrupt ongoing response “or” inhibition the prepotent response ". This study for the assessment behavioral inhibition of ADHD children before and after anger mood. In this study, the assumption are three:(1) ADHD children performance on SST is poor than the control group, that is, a slower reaction time, higher rate of commission, and higher rate of omission. (2) After the experimental manipulation, ADHD children will anger higher than control group significantly. (3) ADHD children, the affect of anger on behavior inhibition, SST performance will poorer, that is, response time longer, rate of commission increased, and rate of omission increased, too. 34 subjects for the clinical group of ADHD children and 36 elementary school children in general for the control group, to carry out experimental manipulation triggered anger, to assess their anger and behavior inhibition. The results showed that:(1) ADHD children in the general state of the anger was significantly higher than control group children, and the anger response is stronger than control group when face to frustration, but also carried the self-regulation of anger. Recovered anger still higher than the original one may be the anger response recovers more slowly, and takes longer to return to its original state. (2) ADHD children was significantly higher rate of omission than control group children, it is means that ADHD children have significant deficit of attention, failed to notice the stimulate or react to them much slower, and miss too much, causing too many omission response. (3) To induce anger, the reaction time is slower, the rate of omission is getting higher, show that after the anger induced, lead to worse behavior inhibition indeed, and the anger stronger the reaction time faster and the rate of commission higher.




