  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementing Performance of Electronic Procurement System for Government Organization

指導教授 : 皮世明


資訊科技一日千里,網際網路帶動電子化商務的興起,成為重要的商業工具,企業組織運用電子化採購系統有效的節省交易成本,提昇作業效率及提高採購議價能力,同時帶給客戶與供應商實質的雙贏,導入電子化採購系統有助於企業成本與時間的節省方為有效,隨之產生金流、物流、資訊流等作業訊息,直接將實體商品從供應商延伸到末端的買主,讓供需雙方的互動更加有效率。 企業利用網際網路執行電子化採購的策略,是將上、下游供應鏈整合起來透過採購節省成本,增進公司營業毛利。而政府部門依據施政工作計畫管制執行,以推動電子化採購作業為手段,落實成本控制有效地運用資訊科技刺激經濟繁榮、帶動相關產業發展,探討電子化採購的績效是值得研究之議題。 行政院公共工程委員會(以下簡稱工程會)為加速政府部門導入電子化採購作業,陸續建置完成「政府採購資訊公告系統」、「政府採購電子領標暨電子投標系統」、「共同供應契約公告系統」、「電子型錄及詢報價系統」、「電子下訂及付款系統」等作業平台提升政府部門電子化採購系統之效率與效能。 本研究以政府部門電子採購系統為範疇,利用敘述性統計方法及專家訪談的方式進行質性評估,以2008年度執行電子化採購系統之採購案件標的分類蒐集做次級資料分析,並就時間、成本、人力等三個構面設計訪談問題,深入訪問政府部門實際從事採購業務執行人員之實際作業情形。發現某機關執行電子化採購的目標達成率高達100%,且受訪之採購人員多認為導入電子化採購系統後不論時間、成本或人力均有實質上的差異,有助於工作推展效率提升,足以證明電子化採購系統確有實質作業的績效,但是具體績效評估的標準建立不易,且學術界與實務界對政府部門的電子化採購績效之研究並不多見,值得主管機關重視。


Abstract Information technology made progress very quickly. Internet push forward E-commerce growing that overthrown traditional way of demand and supply and merchandise image what built of mass media. At same time, competition rule radical changed. The businesses use Electronic Procurement System for cost down and let purchase process fast and safety. It provides goods and information to customer directly from the platform of services. That is a revelation to links the cash flow, goods flow and information flow from business to clients. These years, the governments (include military, civil-service, school and public sector agencies) makes every effort lets information of public administration invisible, live and safety under the conditions of limited budget. The Electronic Procurement System is one of the very important tools to control and assess. This research arrange from a government institute and its sub organization as a Study on Implementing Process for Electronic Procurement System. I try to use descriptive statistics and qualitative research adopts in-depth surveys with interviews1 and observations the staffs who serves the post of procurement on focus government institute. I also collect raw data from procurement case in the year of 2008 for analysis. I find the rate on target of Electronic Procurement System operation almost 100% and have a remarkable result on cost and manpower saving. Additionally, some reasons about un-efficiency of operation are attributed the lack of operator’s domain knowledge. The education and tanning will be necessary.


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[12] 資策會,「政府採購業務電子化研究成果報告」,行政院公共工程委員會企劃處,民國87年5月。
[20] 公共工程委員會,2002a。《政府採購人員品德操守問卷調查》。
[22] 公共工程委員會,2002c。《電子採購作業辦法》。
[23] 公共工程委員會,2002d。《政府採購電子化計畫簡報》。


