  • 學位論文


A Study on Reengineering of Electronic Procurement Operation Process for Government Organization

指導教授 : 劉士豪


導入企業流程再造(BPR)應用於政府機關電子化採購作業流程,將現行採購作業流程與政府機關電子化採購作訪談及差異分析(GAP Analysis),比較現行作業花費較多時間、人力及成本,實施電子化採購有其便利、節省人力及成本等優點,及現行相關作業人員提出不可行情形是因為頻寬、企業文化、資安、政策等問題,彙整相關徵結問題作出訪問企業界之問卷,再深度訪談企業界A公司其採購作業流程如何運作,針對相關徵結問題分為四個部分如資安、頻寬、企業文化及風險規避等問題,訪問企業界如何因應與對策,得出無法實施之徵結問題都是有方法而可以克服,最後作出結論及建議。希望藉由本研究的分析整理與結論,作為政府機關導入企業流程再造應用於電子化採購作業流程時之參考依據。


In order to introduce the Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) to the governmental electronic procurement process, a gap analysis was performed between a current procurement operation and the governmental electronic procurement process. Comparing with the current operation, the electronic process is more advantageous in terms of convenience, manpower saving and cost reduction. However, according to the current executive staff, the electronic process was not feasible due to concerns such as internet bandwidth, organizational customs, information security and the existing policy. After integrating related critical problems and designing a questionnaire for the industry, we visited Company A regarding its procurement process, focusing on four critical issues: information security, bandwidth, enterprise culture and risk avoidance. The in-depth interview with the company’s manager about the countermeasures indicated that there were still ways to overcome those critical difficulties. In the end, conclusion and suggestions are presented. It is hoped that through the analysis and conclusion, this study may provide a reference and a base for the application of BPR to the governmental electronic procurement process.


