  • 學位論文


The Study of Services Innovation Business Model

指導教授 : 顧志遠


隨著人類社會生活形態的演變,由早期的農業社會至中期的工業社會到目前以商業為主的社會,因時代的演進及人類生活水準的提升使得服務業在人們的生活中佔有舉足輕重的角色,根據WTO(2006)統計,目前服務業產值占全球生產毛額( Gross Domestic Product, GDP)已超過2/3,近年來服務經濟更被視為是全球新經濟發展的主要焦點。隨著服務的發展,服務產業不斷面對挑戰與瓶頸再加上國內服務產業競爭激烈,使得服務產業必須不斷的創新以滿足顧客日益增加之需求,所以本研究希望藉由實證個案的探討,瞭解企業在不同構面下,創新的原由、思考步驟、內涵及創新效果的差異性。 本研究以個案研究的方法,從曾獲經濟部商業司”協助服務業研究發展輔導計畫”補助廠商之實際案例中選出代表本研究四基本架構-行銷模式創新、產品內容創新、經營模式創新、商業應用技術創新之典型個案作為研究對象,以瞭解每個企業在進行創新時所面臨的環境、困難、創新方法及創新後帶給我們的啟示。 本研究經由個案的整理與分析後,發現當企業面對競爭的時候,通常會視消費者的需求再依企業內部的資源,找出最容易切入的點來進行創新。從本研究個案中,不難發現當企業啟動任一模式的創新時,並非完全只存在單獨的一種模式中,而是用元素的交錯組合形成各種服務業創新驅動模式,只是各元素占該次創新的比率會依該次創新之目的而不同。 從個案分析中可以發現,每一個營運模式中的創新元素都可能是創新的起始點,每一家企業會先考量本身所屬產業與環境背景,加以衡量本身資源的寬裕程度或可運用資源、可著力創新的點為何?從中找出企業本身最適合的出路。


服務業 創新 經營模式


Human life style transformed from early agriculture society to industry society, then to business society now. Because of the human-life evolution as well as better life-level, service business had played a more important role in the present day. According to information from WTO, nowadays, value resulted from service business had been over two-third, and service economy had been recognized as focus in global economic development trend. In accordance with the vigorous development of service business, it faced challenges, bottlenecks and harsh competence, and so it must innovate to meet growing customer demand. This study wants to understand innovation initiatives, thinking steps, relative contents, and innovative differences under different circumstances by way of explore individual cases. In this study, we choose four fundamental innovation structures: marketing models, product items, operating models and business techniques, as practical study objects to comprehend questions about environments, difficulties, innovative approaches and following findings. After resorting and analyzing, we found enterprises usually innovate at the easiest-access point according to customer demand and its own resources. Then we found as well while trigging any model to innovate, innovation factors exist not only within single model, it mixes and combines to form various service business innovative models. And the ratio of factors in either innovation differs. The findings in this study includes: every innovation factors in single operating model may poses innovation initiatives, and every enterprise would balance available resource to assure the probable points to innovate after considering business background and environment. It would helpful to enterprise to find a better way to survive and grow.


Services Industry Innovation Business Model


2.Richard L.Daft著;李再長譯,組織理論與設計,華泰文化事業股份有限公司,2006年2月初版。
8.李振昌譯(2005),穿越地平線的創新,台北市:商智文化出版。譯自Madan Birla(2005), FedEx Delivers: How the World’s Leading Shipping Company Keeps Innovating and Outperforming the Competition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


