  • 學位論文


Integration of issue tracking and task assignment tool

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc39ae0c)


目前大部分問題單處理的工具,通常都需要以人工的方式填入實際工時等資訊,不但容易錯誤,有些比較複雜或需要多人處理的問題,不僅不容易追蹤控管,每位成員的實際工時也很難精確地計算出來。同時在資源分配方面,也常必頇使用不同的工具,因此管理階層對於問題單處理,派工及資源分配三方面,也很難有一個通盤的考量。 在本篇論文中,我們整合了問題單處理軟體 Jira及可用於派工的軟體 XPlanner。當使用者將問題單填入 Jira 之後,能將必要的欄位匯出到 XPlanner中,此時可以透過 XPlanner 進行分工計畫,派工及進度追蹤。然後在問題解決並確認結案之後,將實際工時匯回 Jira,並將每一個處理問題的成員的實際工作時數,加總後匯到一個工時匯報系統中。


Most existing issue tracking tools still require users to manually fill in actual efforts for resolving issues and other related information. This is error prone. It is also difficult to monitor and control complex issues or issues that need to be handled by more than one people, as it is usually not easy to compute precisely the efforts of each member in resolving such issues. Furthermore, different software tools are needed for resource allocation. Therefore, it is difficult for a manager to have a comprehensive view regarding issue tracking, task assignment and resource allocation. In this thesis, we will present a system that integrated an issue tracking tool, Jira, with XPlanner, which can also be used as a task assignment tool. When an issue is reported by a user using Jira, the related fields will be exported to XPlanner. A manager can then use XPlanner for work breakdown, task assignment and progress monitoring. After an issue is resolved, the actual efforts will be computed by the XPlanner and then reported back to Jira.


Task assignment Issue Tracking Defect report


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