  • 學位論文


A Study of Inspection Allocation Problem of Multi-characteristics in Color Filter Production Systems

指導教授 : 饒忻


隨著高科技產業的蓬勃發展,顧客對於品質的要求日益增加,在製品之檢驗已成為確保品質必備的基本程序之一。另外,在昂貴的生產系統中,企業所能提供之檢測資源有限;因此要如何將適當之檢驗資源指派到適當之地點進行檢測,藉以提昇產品品質,降低生產不良率,並為企業帶來最大的效益,實為一值得深入探討的課題。 本研究以彩色濾光片生產系統為對象建立數學模式,因其獨特的多品質製程特性,除了需考慮檢驗站的設置外,還要決定哪些品質特性需要檢驗,以期求得在最大利潤下的最佳檢驗設置方案。在生產系統中相關之成本可分為製造成本、品質檢驗成本、內部失敗成本及外部失敗成本等四類。在彩色濾光片生產系統中對瑕疵品的處理模式,可分為修理後重工以及報廢,重工產品將至當下製程重工。 本研究除利用窮舉法求出最佳解外,另以基因演算法求解,其不但求解品質不錯,求解時間也較短。本研究亦針對檢驗政策進行敏感性分析,分別對合格品比例、每單位營收、每單位外部損失、設備折舊攤提期限及檢驗設備成本等五類進行分析,探討在不同條件下其檢驗設置政策。相信本研究成果可以提供給彩色濾光片工廠實際運作時解決檢驗設置問題的參考,以提昇產業之競爭力。


With the prosperous development in the high technology industry, the quality requirement from customers increases day by day. Meanwhile, in order to ensure product quality, the inspection of work-in-process products has become one of basic procedures. In addition, enterprises can only provide limited inspection resources in their very expensive production systems. Therefore, how to assign the limited inspection resources to the right locations is an essential issue in order to promote product quality, reduce production defect rate, and increase enterprise profit. This thesis takes color filter production systems as the study subject to develop a mathematical model. Due to its unique multi-quality-characteristics, we need to consider not only to set up inspection stations but also to determine which characteristics to be inspected in order to obtain the inspection policy with the optimal profit. The cost considered in this model consists of process cost, inspection cost, internal failure cost and external failure cost. The defect treatment for the color filter production system has two kinds: rework after repair and scrap. The product needed to rework will return to the current workstation. This study uses not only the complete enumeration method but also the genetic algorithm method to find the optimal solution; the latter has very similar results as the former, but uses less computation time. A sensitivity analysis of inspection policy is performed with respect to each factor of the proportion of qualified products, revenue per unit, external loss per unit, equipment depreciation and inspection equipment cost to explore the inspection policy under various conditions. We believe that the results of this study can serve as a production planning tool to solve the inspection allocation problem in color filter production systems and increase their productivity.


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