  • 學位論文


Contemporary Interior Design Strategy for Good Healthy Housing by Energy Saving Technology

指導教授 : 胡寶林


隨著國民所得的增加,對居住生活品質要求的提升,諸多建案大皆強調「豪宅」,引領消費者成為「豪宅的主人」,隱喻成功人士對於「家」的不二選擇。當然,所謂的「豪宅」,其強調的重點,不外乎包裝、再包裝,務求金碧輝煌,時尚奢華,然而,豪宅真的是「好宅」嗎?答案很明顯,隨著大量黏貼膠合裝修材料的使用,除了視覺上表現出各式不同風格造形的氛圍外,實際上,在居家的嗅覺裡,還隱藏著大量的揮發性有毒致癌氣體—甲醛、甲苯、氡氣等;又在「包裝」的同時,大都忽略屋頂隔熱、西曬牆面隔熱、使用綠色能源、使用省水設備等節能減碳之綠色設計議題。室內設計行業向來聚焦於設計風格的藝術性層面,而真正舒適及健康的專業技術多數被忽略。事實上,建築及室內設計的學門都未能成為一門設計學。所以,如何讓豪宅、一般住宅,都是「現代好宅」,而且是節能又健康的「現代好宅」,當然,「室內綠色設計」就是本文對設計學要貢獻的主題。 本論文提出「節能」與「健康」好宅的室內綠色設計策略,來呼應綠建築的精神,並延續建築師應關照而未關照的層面,聚焦於室內設計師應當關心執行的設計議題及設計策略。其中「節能議題」分別從隔熱、綠能、高效能、水資源等四個子項目,帶出十三個設計策略;「健康議題」分別從安全、通風、舒適、家庭用水、綠化等五個子項目,帶出九個設計策略,最後透過四十八個設計策略,發展出(1)最低安裝成本節能屋室內設計套裝組合;(2)最具節能成果之節能屋室內設計套裝組合;(3)最低安裝成本健康屋室內設計套裝組合;(4)最具健康成果之健康屋室內設計套裝組合,等四種組合。希望透過這四十八個「室內綠色設計」的好策略及四種方便選用的套裝組合,帶給國人真正的「節能住宅」、「健康住宅」二合一的「現代好宅」。


Upon the increased national income and the advanced demand for living & residential quality, most projects stress luxury residences and lure consumers to be masters of them by the metaphor that the luxury residences are the only option for successful persons. The so-called luxury residences refer to the fashionable luxury and the glittering appearance by packing and repacking. However, it is quite obvious that a luxury residence never equals to a good residence. The vast decorated materials render the volatile poisonous gas, including formaldehyde, methylbenzene and radon in addition to the brilliant look; moreover, the green design issues such as insulation roof, insulation wall on the west side, green energy use and water-saving devices meant for emission reduction are negligent in the packing. The profession of Interior Design has been concentrated on creating of style aesthetics and neglected on planning of true comfort and health by professional technology. In fact, the professional fields of Architecture and Interior Design have been not yet developed as a Design Science. Thus, it is necessary to make luxury and common residences become modern good residences with the healthy and energy-saving ideas; that is, the green interior design is the main concern. This should be a supplemental achievement for Design Sciences. The green design strategy including energy saving and health is proposed to respond to the object of green buildings and to focus on the design issue and design strategies interior designers shall care for and execute through the levels untouched by architects. There are 4 energy-saving sub-issues: insulation, green energy, high efficiency and water resource with 13 design strategies. There are 5 healthy sub-issues: safety, ventilation, coziness, domestic water consumption and green beautification with 9 design strategies. Finally, via the 48 design strategies, there are 4 packages available: (1) energy-saving residential design package with the lowest installation cost, (2) energy-saving residential design package with the most energy-saving effect, (3) healthy residential design package with the lowest installation cost and (4) healthy residential design package with the best healthy results. It is expected to bring the modern good residences integrating energy-saving residences and healthy residences via the preceding 48 green interior design strategies and 4 convenient packages.


1. Deubner, Helmut,胡寶林譯
2. Fritsch, Manfred(1996);Handbuch Gesundes Bauen and Wohnen,Munich,dtv
3. G issen, David著,呂奕欣譯 (2005),《 邁向二十一世紀的永續建築 》台北縣新店市:木馬文化
4. Nielsen, Ron著 (2005),蔡菁芳譯 (2007),《 為了我們的孩子而寫的求生手冊 》台北市:天下遠見


