  • 學位論文


The Research of Generalized Transfer Costs by Strategies of Bus System Improvement - A Case Study on Taipei Bus System

指導教授 : 廖祐君


現今台北市公車系統持續增設公車專用道與提供直捷幹線路線以提升公車路網效益,但仍有部分路線彎繞程度過高且路線繁多不利乘客搭乘使用,且公車政策尚無公車間轉車之優惠,使得公車客源不斷流失,公車業者營運面臨困境。若對公車間轉車作轉車策略規劃,以使用者角度衡量其時間成本與總旅行成本,公車使用者不需受公車路線限制而搭乘彎繞度高的路線,使用直線之轉車搭乘方式,乘客在不清楚公車路網的情況下,以單純路線、簡化資訊,即可到達目的地。因此若能改善現有公車系統,提供完善之轉車服務,則可讓公車乘客更便捷的搭乘公車運輸系統,且提升公車系統與其他運具之競爭優勢。 本研究為提升轉車效率,針對台北市公車專用道佈設現況提出改善策略,並依據現況擬定不同之可行方案內容,以公車乘客總旅行成本最小為目標式進行模擬求解。並以自用小客車為替選運具,建立運具效用函數,比較不同運具之市場佔有率。根據策略之投入資金、工期長短、執行難易度可將策略做組合搭配,模擬解得乘客總旅行成本與運具轉移比例,評析策略組合之可行性與效益性,作為公部門評估實施公車系統相關策略之依據,並提供未來台北市政府公車系統規劃之方向。


The Taipei bus system keeps on providing exclusive bus lanes and offering arterial bus service to improve the performance of bus network. However, certain bus routes with high circuity and overlapping make people hard to use. Moreover, there are no related discount policies about transferring between bus routes. The shortcomings previously mentioned make bus operators face the ridership decreasing. The advantages of grid-lock lines make passengers easier to travel to destination without full information of routes in advance. With aids of transfer discount policy on bus riding, it would be helpful to increase competitiveness against other transportation mode. In order to increase transferring efficiency, this study focuses on the improvement policy of exclusive bus lanes. We build up an optimal model on a platform of geographic information system to let the passengers choose the riding combination to minimize passengers’ travel costs constrained by existing exclusive bus lanes and bus routes. The market share of different modes was estimated based on the utility functions. Finally, according to the monetary investment, constructing period, and difficulty in practice (operator coordination for example), various strategies combined with infrastructure, traffic engineering and transfer discounts were tested to evaluate feasibility as well as efficiency.


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