  • 學位論文


A Study on Issues and Legislation for Dispatched Work in Taiwan-Discussion also on Dispatched Work Legislation in China

指導教授 : 成之約


摘  要   本論文之研究題目為「我國勞動派遣問題立法規範-兼論中國大陸勞務派遣法規」,主要係就目前我國勞動派遣制度實施現況,透過實務工作之觀察,並參考相關文獻、書籍、論文與研究報告等,探究其所衍生之問題,期能經過研究之過程,對我國快速發展中的勞動派遣制度,有一完整的認識。同時,針對中國大陸頒佈實施的勞務派遣專法,進行較為深入之探討,期能藉由對該法規之探討,了解台商面臨之挑戰與因應方式,有助於我國在法制化的過程中,兼顧企業發展與勞工期望。   如同今年主計處所公佈的「98年人力運用調查統計結果」,國內非典型就業者的人數總計68.7萬人,創下歷史新高。企業用人模式不是一成不變的,只要競爭日趨激烈,勞動派遣型態就會更加快速發展。但對於勞工而言,勞動派遣型態的盛行,不僅對勞工權益有許多保護不足之處,更擔心會衝擊到長期勞動職位的提供。派遣機構與要派機構因為現行法規的不足,大量運用派遣勞工,降低企業營運成本,對勞工已產生相當大的影響。因此,籍由對現行法規的檢討、修訂,才能更進一步落實勞工保護目的。   同時,在廣大台商聚集、設廠的中國大陸,不僅經濟與勞動市場高度成長,企業營運的成本也急驟增加。企業在面對中國大陸經營成本高漲的挑戰,亦會採取一連串人事成本的下降策略,勞動派遣也就成為企業最常採用的方法。在過去,中國大陸追求經濟的成長與發展,在勞工權益保護上則較少重視,隨著勞工保護意識的抬頭,中國大陸近年積極強化各項勞工保護法規,對於勞動派遣的用工型態,亦加以明確規範。本文藉由大陸工作實務觀察,分析中國大陸近年來強化各項勞動法規後,其對勞動派遣制度之影響,尤其對廣大台商所造成之衝擊,以及台商之因應方式,期能作為我國未來法制化時之參考。   我國目前並無勞動派遣相關之法規,若發生勞資爭議時,僅能從現有法令中尋求解方法,但勞動派遣牽涉到三方法律關係,在現行法令下往往無法週全解決爭議。因此,本文藉由對勞動派遣之探討,包含對鄰近國家-中國大陸之觀察,提出幾項具體建議,希望有助於將來勞動派遣相關法規之制定。


Abstract   The subject of this thesis is “The Issues and Legislation for Dispatched Labors in Taiwan –In Conjunction with An Introduction of China Labor dispatch Legislation”. To completely understand the quick development of labor dispatch in Taiwan, this thesis mainly observe the current practice of labor dispatch with references to the relevant documentation, books, theses, and researches and it also explores the issues derived therefrom. In the meantime, this thesis also take a closer look at the labor dispatch legislation in China to realize the challenges and corresponding solutions that Taiwan entities may encounter, which may be also helpful to taking both entity development and labor anticipation into account for Taiwan legislation of labor dispatch.   The atypical employees are equivalent to 687,000 according to “Manpower Survey Results in 2009” published by Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, which has reached the highest so far. It is changeable for the entities’ employment models. The types of labor dispatch will quickly develop according to the entities’ keen competition. However, the prevailing of the labor dispatching not only cannot provide labor interests but also impair the position of long-term employees. Because of inadequate protection under current laws and regulations, to reduce the entity’s operation cost, the entity’s abuse to the labor dispatching results serious influence to labor treatments. Hence, to facilitate the protection of labor protection, it is necessary to review and make the modification to the current laws and regulations.   Meantime, the economy and labor market in China have significant growth and the entity’s operation cost in China increases rapidly. To confront the challenge of the increase in operation cost, China entities will also adopt all measures to reduce the personnel cost, including the introduction of labor dispatching. China labor protection may be inadequate in the past, because China pursues economy development all the time. However, with the awareness of labor protection, China has strengthened the labor legislation recently, including the labor dispatching. This thesis analyzes the influence to labor dispatch through my observation on actual practice and the various labor laws and regulations in China; especially the strikes against the numerous companies invested by Taiwan entities and their preparation, and those may be our references to legislate labor dispatch laws.   There is no labor dispatching laws in Taiwan; therefore, once the dispatching issues occur, we can only solve the said issues from current laws. In particular, the labor dispatching involves three parties’ legal relationship; therefore, it is difficult to solve the said issues very well. Thus, this thesis tries to bring out some suggestions to the dispatching legislation through the study of labor dispatching, including the observation to China relevant legislation. Hopefully, this thesis may be helpful to labor dispatching legislation in Taiwan.


dispatched workers dispatching law




