  • 學位論文


A Study on the Labor Dispatch Contract

指導教授 : 姚志明


本論文嘗試從民法勞務契約談起,接著廣泛介紹勞動契約的各種面向,也試圖說明民法勞務契約與勞動契約間的關連性。最後聚焦在派遣勞動的相關議題,並以派遣勞工與要派單位間的法律關係為論述中心。 勞動契約之成立以雙方當事人有合意為必要,雇主與受僱人必須對於契約必要之點有意思表示並且合致,如果一方以口頭提出要約,他方必須當即承諾,書面則應以相當時間為承諾之合理期限,如果一方對他方之要約予以變更,視為新要約。凡此等均與民法其他契約無異。依民法雙務契約之一般原則,在可歸責於債權人或債務人一方之事由時,債權、債務人固應負債務不履行之責任;在不可歸責於雙方當事人時,則即所謂危險負擔,由法律分配其風險,但在勞動法則一率由雇主負擔,在學理上稱之為危險負擔責任之加重。換言之,即使雇主在就其組織、設備等盡一切注意義務之後,而仍然發生之風險,並無免責之可能。 由於勞動契約之社會性,其所適用之基本原則與民法適用之基本原則有很大差異,勞動契約之三大基本原則有:工資續付原則、勞務給付不得強制原則、危險負擔之責任歸屬於雇主原則。此三項原則乃對民法之修正,具有勞動契約之社會特性,在研究勞動契約時應先加以討論。又,「從屬性」實為勞動契約之最大特色,一切有別於傳統民事法概念的勞動法概念,即是承此觀念而展開,深值重視。勞動研究必須以從屬性關係為前提,始能正確掌握方向。勞動契約當事人的勞工之特徵有:人格上從屬性、組織上從屬性及經濟上從屬性等。此外,勞動契約對安定性也極為重視,又因係繼續性法律關係,除主給付義務外,勞資雙方相互間附屬義務也多。再者,在一般契約中,當事人以外的他人對契約並無影響力,侵害他人間的債權與債務也並不多見,因此對契約的形成與調整之影響可能性也很小。但在勞動契約則不然,自工會發達後,個人對勞動契約的形成、變更乃至消滅的自主性減少,個別勞動關係不但受國家勞動基準法影響,更受團體協約影響。 世界上各先進國,例如德、日、美、瑞典等國在勞動實務上,幾乎都有勞動派遣之型態。我國目前雖未有勞動派遣之相關法律規範,但學界中針對勞動派遣之定義已有不少的研究。有關派遣之定義,雖在各國文辭上表現未盡相同,但歸納之可以如下定義:「即所謂派遣,乃是派遣公司之雇主,與勞工訂立勞動契約,於得到勞工同意,維持勞動契約關係之前提下,使其在要派公司事業主指揮監督下為勞務給付,該勞工與要派公司事業主間並無勞動契約關係存在。此種特殊之勞動關係,可視為派遣公司將其勞動請求權乃至勞務指揮權讓與要派公司後所發生,依據我國民法第484條規定旨趣,雇用人於得到受僱人同意後,得將其勞務請求權讓與第三人,只要派遣勞工基於與派遣公司間之勞動契約約定,同意此種勞務給付型態,勞動派遣即屬適法」。另外,也有學者認為勞動派遣主要涉及之當事人分別為派遣機構、派遣勞工及要派機構,故有稱勞動派遣為三方兩地之關係。勞動派遣最主要的特徵是「僱用」與「使用」的分離,派遣機構僱用派遣勞工,雙方簽訂勞動派遣契約,使派遣勞工前往與派遣勞工無契約關係的要派機構提供勞務,派遣機構與要派機構之間則訂定要派契約,派遣勞工給付勞務之利益直接歸於要派機構,要派機構則將使用派遣勞工之對價交付予派遣機構,屬於真正利他性質之勞動契約(民法第269條)。 由於「勞動派遣」涉及三方當事人,有別於傳統的勞動關係,若無相關法令予以規範,有學者研究發現「勞動派遣」可能會產生以下的勞資爭議問題,例如:雇主責任問題、不當剝削問題、差別待遇問題、團結協商問題、僱用不安定問題、懲戒權行使問題、就業安全問題及公部門使用勞動派遣產生之問題等等。因此,學界也紛紛從勞動派遣三方法律關係與雇主認定來釐清相關的權利義務。由派遣勞動在締約時,多明文約定勞動契約當事人為派遣單位與派遣勞工,並約定派遣勞工應向(特定或不特定的)要派單位提供勞務、遵守其指揮監督,因此相關權利義務可作如下區分:(1)契約上一般的(亦即和勞務的指揮監督無直接相關的)權利義務,由於勞動關係是債權/債務關係,基於債之關係的相對性,雙方的權利義務基本上只能向相對人主張。因此例如工資、資遣費、退休金的給付/提撥義務,原則上派遣勞工只能向派遣單位主張之;惟派遣單位若積欠派遣勞工的工資,派遣勞工得類推適用民法第264條主張同時履行抗辯權、拒絕向要派單位提供勞務。(2)直接跟指揮監督/指示權之行使(特別是與工作時間、勞工安全、衛生與職業災害)有關者,為貫徹相關法規保護勞工之目的,契約上的雇主(派遣單位)以及實際上行使雇主之指揮監督權者(要派單位),都應考慮納入規範對象之內。因此,實際上行使雇主之指揮監督權的要派單位,基本上亦應與派遣單位共同負雇主責任。 中央勞政主管機關面對派遣勞動關係的種種問題,多年來不斷投入心力進行調查與研究,尤其在保障派遣勞工權益的立法上,過去曾試圖於勞基法制定有關「勞動派遣」專章的方式立法,惟因人力派遣業業已納入勞基法規範及勞資雙方均不認同而作罷,另外,對於訂定勞動派遣專法方式以規範勞動派遣關係也有嘗試過。由於勞雇團體間對於勞動派遣法制化及法制內容仍有歧見,鑑於法制研擬應於凝聚社會最大共識之前提下進行,並聽取多方意見,始能滿足整體社會最大利益,為建構適切合宜之勞動派遣保護法制,勞動部經廣泛徵詢各界意見,並積極與全國性、區域性工會及雇主團體溝通協調後,改以訂定『派遣勞工保護法』的方式立法,全文共分五章(總則、勞動派遣之權利及義務、派遣事業單位之設立及管理、罰則及附則)、32條條文,業於103年2月函送行政院審議中。至104年3月止最新審查進度為,除派遣使用限制規範於聽取各界意見外,其餘條文已完成審查。 由於我國目前對於勞動派遣型態並無直接的規定與限制,以「法律的自由放任」加以形容,恐不為過。是以,針對勞動派遣所產生的法律問題,特別是派遣勞工之勞動保護與勞動契約相關權利義務歸屬、乃至於勞動契約當事人主體等,確常有難以處理之窘境,無論是規範上或實際適用上。簡言之,在勞動派遣所涉及之三方關係中,我國現行法、也就是勞動基準法,站在「派遣雇主不定期之繼續雇用派遣勞工」的出發點,經常呈現「得規範者未發揮現實規範作用、應規範者無法律上規範基礎」之問題與困難,前者例如派遣勞工應為派遣機構之不定期契約勞工,但事實上存在許多類似職業介紹型之模糊僱用關係,後者如社會常見「要派雇主應付工資或職業災害補償之雇主自己或連帶責任」的期待,卻因無具體之法規範基礎而難以作如此之法律適用或續造。企圖相當程度的解決派遣勞工之契約權益或勞動保護問題,乃至於重新、重頭思索勞動派遣在勞動市場政策上應有定位與功能,法制上創設性的因應,不論是制定專法或修改現行勞動法令,應該都是難以避免的重要工作,即便是主張全面禁止勞動派遣。現代法治國家的邏輯是:法律沒有禁止的,人民都可以做、要主張全面禁止勞動派遣,需要的,仍然是法制上明確的禁止規範,不論是直接的一步到位,或是漸進的限縮、乃至消滅。 本文作者經過本論文撰寫與研究,最後嘗試針對勞動部於103年2月最新公告之「派遣勞工保護法」(草案)提出修正意見,內容詳如本文第六章最末之建議事項。


This paper attempts to talk about civil law labor contracts, followed by a broad introduction of various contracts for work, and also tried to explain connection between civil law and labor contract between the contract. Finally, focus on issues related to labor dispatch, and dispatch to the legal relationship between labor and the business entity which uses labor dispatch. The establishment of the labor contract with the parties to have consensus as necessary, employer and servant must be necessary for the contract and HUD showing interesting point, if a party offer is made orally, the other party must immediately commit, in writing should be fairly reasonable commitment of time period, if a party to the other party's offer to alter, as a new offer. Etc. Where this is no different from other contracts with civil law. According to the general principles of civil law bilateral contract, attributable to the subject when the creditor or debtor party, the creditor, the debtor shall be responsible for fixing non-performance of the debt; when not attributable to the parties, the so-called dangerous burden, by law distribution of its risks, but at a rate of employers' burden of labor law, in an academic called aggravated by the burden of responsibility. In other words, the risk even after the employer in its organization, equipment and other duty to do everything, but still happens, there is no exemption of the possible. Because there are very different basic principles of social labor contract, the basic principles of which they apply and the applicable civil law, labor contracts of the three basic principles are: wages continued to pay principle, the principle of service may compel payment, dangerous burden of responsibility attributed to Employers principles. This is an amendment to the three principles of civil law, with the social characteristics of the labor contract, labor contract research should be discussed in the first. Also, "from property" is indeed the most significant feature of the labor contract, all different from the traditional concept of the civil law concept of labor law, that is commitment to this concept and expand, deep values seriously. Labour Research must be from property relations as a precondition before they can grasp the correct direction. Characteristics of the Labour party of a labor contract are: personality from the property, and economic organization from the property from the property and the like. In addition, the labor contract is also attached great importance to stability, because the Department continued legal relationship, except the main payment obligations, the obligations of both employers and employees are mostly affiliated with each other. Furthermore, in the general contract, the parties did not influence others to contract outside force, against his world debt and debt are few and far between, thus affecting the formation and adjustment of the possibility of the contract is also very small. However, the labor contract is not the case, since the union is developed, the formation of individual labor contracts, changes reducing or eliminating the autonomy of the individual labor relations not only affected countries the Labor Standards Law, but by the collective agreement affected. In the advanced countries in the world, such as Germany, Japan, the United States, Sweden and other countries in labor practices, almost all labor dispatch of patterns. China is not yet relevant legal norms of labor dispatch, but there are many research scholars in the definition of labor for dispatch. The definition of the relevant dispatch, though not entirely reflected in the various countries the same diction, but it can be summarized as the following definition: "the so-called dispatch, but sending the company's owner, sign labor contracts with workers, labor agreed to obtain and maintain a labor contract before relations Under mention it in to send the company under the control and supervision of business owners pay for the service, there is no labor contract relationship exists between the worker and the things you want to send the company owners. Such special of labor relations, can be regarded as its labor dispatch company claims and even the command of labor and after going to let what happened to send the company, according to Article 484 of the Civil Code provisions purport to hire people to get the consent of a servant, it was to make the labor claims and third party, as long as the labor dispatch based on dispatch the labor contract agreed between the company, agreed to pay such labor patterns, labor dispatch guilty applicable law. " In addition, some scholars believe that the main parties involved in the labor dispatch agencies are sending, and to send the labor dispatch agencies, so it is called labor dispatch two of the three parties to the relationship. The main feature is the labor dispatch "employment" and "use" of separation, sending labor dispatch employment agency, the two sides signed a labor contract dispatch, and dispatch the sending of workers went to the labor camp without contractual relations agencies to provide services, and to dispatch agency between the faction agencies set to send contract labor dispatch services of direct benefit payments attributable to send bodies, agencies will be used to send the dispatch worker on the price delivered to the dispatch agency, belong to the true altruistic nature of the labor contract (Civil Code Section 269 ). Since the "labor dispatch" involving three parties, different from the traditional labor relations, without the relevant laws and regulations to regulate them, there are researchers found that "labor dispatch" labor may produce less controversial issues, such as: employer liability issues, improper exploitation , discrimination issues, united negotiation issues, employment insecurity problem, the exercise of disciplinary power, job security issues and public sector issues arising from the use of labor dispatch and so on. Thus, legal scholars have also sent the tripartite relationship between employer finds from labor to clarify the rights and obligations associated. When contracting by the dispatch of labor, more labor contracting parties expressly agreed to dispatch and dispatch workers, and agreed to send workers should (specific or non-specific) to send units to provide services, to comply with its direction, supervision, and therefore can be used for the relevant rights and obligations the following distinction:General (ie with no direct control and supervision of labor-related) rights and obligations (1) contract, is because the labor relations creditor / debtor relationship, based on the relative relationship of debt, the rights and obligations of both parties basically only to relatively people advocate. Thus, for example wages, severance pay, pension payments / aside obligations to contribute labor in principle, only advocates of the dispatch; dispatch but dispatch unit if wages owed workers, dispatched workers have to apply by analogy Civil Code Section 264 claims at the same time fulfill the right of defense, refused to send the unit to provide services. (2) with the control and supervision / exercise of the right of direct instruction (especially with the working hours, labor safety, health and occupational hazards) stakeholders for the purpose of implementing the relevant laws and regulations to protect workers, the employer (dispatch) contractual and, indeed, exercise control and supervision by the employer's right (to send units) should be considered for inclusion in the specification of the object. Therefore, in practice the right to exercise control and supervision of the employer to send units, basically should and dispatch units to negative employer liability. Central government authority in the face of labor dispatch labor relations problems over the years continue to invest effort to investigate and research, especially in the legislative protection of labor rights of dispatch, in the past had tried to formulate relevant "labor dispatch" in a special chapter of the Labor Standards Law legislative means, but because of labor and capital and labor law norms have been Narulaoji Neither agree and give up, in addition, set for labor dispatch law approach designed to regulate labor relations have tried to send. Because between employers and employees groups and the legalization of labor dispatch legal contents are still differences, in view of the legal elaboration should unite under the premise of social consensus of the largest carried out, and listen to various views, before they can meet the best interests of the community as a whole, for the construction of proper suit should labor dispatch legal protection, the Ministry of Labour after extensive consultation, the after and actively with national and regional trade unions and employers' organizations communication and coordination, changed to provide for "dispatch labor protection laws" approach legislation, thesis consists of five chapters (general provisions, the rights and obligations of labor dispatch, the dispatch establishment and management of institutions, penalties and Bylaws), 32 provisions , the industry in 103 years February letter send the Executive Yuan under consideration. To 104 years ending in March to review progress to date, in addition to sending usage restrictions specifications to listen to opinions from all quarters, the remaining provisions of the review has been completed. Since China's current rules and limitations are not directly sent to labor patterns, to "the law of laissez-faire" to describe, fear is not an exaggeration. Therefore, for legal issues arising from the labor dispatch, in particular the dispatch labor contract labor protection and labor rights obligations of ownership, as well as the main party in the labor contract and other, often difficult to deal with the dilemma indeed, whether it is the norm or the practical application of on. In short, the tripartite relationship involved in the labor dispatch, our current law, that is, the Labor Standards Law, standing "from time to time of dispatch employers continue to hire dispatched workers" starting point, often rendered "those who did not have to regulate real regulatory role to play , who should regulate the issue of unregulated basis "and legal difficulties, such as the former labor dispatch should be sent regularly indentured labor institutions, but in fact there are many similar type of employment fuzzy employment relationship, which, as social common" to send Employers expect the employer to deal with salary or compensation of occupational accidents themselves or joint and several liability "is, because no specific normative basis of the law and the law is difficult to make such an application or renewal made. Attempt a considerable degree of resolve to send contract labor's interest or labor protection issues, and even again, heavy head thinking about labor dispatch should be positioned and function in the labor market policy, the legal creation of response, whether it is the development of specialized laws or amending existing labor the important work of the Act, should all be difficult to avoid, even advocated a total ban on labor dispatch. Logic modern rule of law is: the law does not prohibit, the people can do to advocate a total ban on labor dispatch, the need is still clear prohibition norms on the legal system, either directly in one step, or narrows gradual, and even eliminated. After the author of the thesis writing and research, and finally try to put forward amendments to the Ministry of Labour against 103 in February Announcement of "dispatch Labour Protection Act" (draft), which details such as the last chapter of the sixth Proposal.





