  • 學位論文


The Life Time Ban from the Chinese Professional Baseball League and Its Violation of the Players Constitutional Working Rights: A Case Study of the CPBL Game-Fixing Scandals

指導教授 : 許春金


我國現有職業運動中,中華職業棒球大聯盟無疑係發展最為完善之組織,然中華職業棒球大聯盟自1990年成立後,總共發生六次假球事件,對於我國職業運動之發展實為一大打擊,造成中華職業棒球大聯盟之危機。對於涉案選手社會大眾皆將其視為加害人而加以撻伐,然卻較少人討論到涉案之選手亦有屬於被害人之一面,使其終身所學之技能無法在職業運動舞台上繼續為觀眾表現,是為可惜。 本研究希望,透過另一種角度觀察職業棒球假球案件的發生,並以此為契機,審視中華職業棒球大聯盟中制度與契約上之缺失,並提出法律上的觀點與建議。研究方法以收集資料與文獻的方式,歸納出過去假球案發生之處理方式、探討職業選手與球團間法律關係以及比較國內外球員保障之異同,了解職業棒球運動中勞資方之關係。 研究發現,我國職業棒球運動對於選手之保障,欠缺明文法規規範、勞資方於談判雙方契約內容時地位並不平等,且懲處規範欠缺標準,該終身禁賽條款有侵害選手工作權之嫌。建議應制定更完善之法規制度、強化球員工會力量並使中華職業棒球大聯盟規章透明化,以利勞資雙方建立完整且互利之對話平台。本研究期望能使我國職業運動制度能夠更加完善與健全,提升整體國家運動環境,並讓所有台灣熱愛職業賽事之觀眾,有引以自豪的職業聯賽。


Among all the professional sports in Taiwan, undoubtedly, Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) is the most well-developed organization. However, since CPBL was established in 1990, there have been 6 match-fixing scandals already, which has caused a big blow to the development of the professional sports in Taiwan and also has become a crisis for CPBL. Generally, most people come down on those players who involve in the scandals and see them as offenders, but seldom people think in another way to study if those players who involve in the scandals may be victims as well. It is a pity because those players involved in the match-fixing scandals may not be able to continue performing their skills to the audiences on the stage of professional sports due to the scandals or rumors. By observing the match-fixing scandals in the professional baseball leagues from another angle, the main purpose of this research is to analyze whether the system of CPBL and the players’ contracts have any deficiency and then to present points of views and suggestions based on the law. The research methodology is to gather the information and summarize the processing and results of the match-fixing incidents from the history documents and previous cases. In addition, this research analyzed the legal relations between the professional players and the clubs, compared the differences between the protection of local players’ rights and foreign players’, and studied the labor-capital relations in the professional baseball leagues. This research found out several deficiencies. For example, our professional baseball leagues in Taiwan lack legal regulations to the protection of players' rights. Employees have unequal rights with the employers while negotiating the labor-capital contracts. Besides, the punishment regulation is lack of standards too and lifetime suspensions may infringe the players’ rights to work. Therefore, in this research, we suggest the legal regulation and the professional league systems should be improved to be more completed and the Union power needs to be enforced so that the regulation in CPBL could be transparent, and Labor and Capital could have more completed and perfect communication then. Finally, this research expects the system of our professional sports in Taiwan can be more solid and sound, and the national sports environment can be enhanced as well so that the audiences who love the professional sports games can be proud of our own professional leagues.


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