  • 學位論文

論我國個資法對蒐集目的外研究利用之規範 - 兼論歐盟個資立法之趨勢

The Study of Inconsistent Use of Personal Information in the Taiwan Personal Data Act - A Supplementary Comment on The Development Trend of EU Personal Data Protection Regulation

指導教授 : 李崇僖


隨著醫學的發展,醫學成為一種經驗科學,個人的健康資訊就變成醫學研究的重要基礎。為了促進醫學研究發展,須落實個人醫療資訊隱私的保護,從資訊隱私之保護出發,探討基因資訊和醫學資訊之保護。 於2012年台灣延宕將近2年5個月持未上路的個人資料保護法終於上路,台灣關於健康保險個人資料釋出之訴訟案件探討關於個人資料目的外研究利用和退出權之保障,且說明研究者在蒐集、使用及揭露受試者之醫療資訊前,必須取得受試者之告知後同意,然於研究者必須於研究進行前向受試者說明將使用何種醫療資訊及如何進行個人資料保護。然因此訴訟適用舊法,故於2015年12月15日立法三讀通過之新法並未探討,但於本文最後會提及。 再以現行歐盟個人資料保護指令中關於研究中個人醫療資訊取得之管制:提供資訊之義務、研究目的之處理、健康資料之處理、健康資料重大利益之處理、可辨識資料當事人、資料當事人不能給予同意、資訊之免除及匿名化資料保護之必要。然科技之迅速發展為個人資料保護帶來新之發展,資料共享和蒐集的規模大幅地增加、新技術使私人公司與公共機構以前所未見之方式使用個人資料,越來越多個人將其私人訊息公開化和全球化,科技同時改變了經濟與社會生活,無論歐盟內化,跨界移轉個人資料的比例都大幅度提升,歐盟於2012年提出的一般個人資料保護規則草案,關於關於健康資訊於研究使用和退出權之規定,給予我國關於目的外研究利用之保障一些建議。


Along with the development of medical science, it become one of the experimental sciences. The personal medical data stand as the important issue. For promoting the individual research , it is far more important to protect the personal privacy of the medical treatment of the subject. Therefore , this theses shall start from the protection of the private data to discuss the protection of the genetic and medical data. In the year of 2012, Taiwan had continued the personal data protection legislation process after delaying for two years and five months. It covers the court cases involving the release of personal data of medical insurance. It also covers the right of using and withdrawal of personal data for out of the proposed purpose. The researcher has to obtain consent from the subject prior to starting collection , using and receiving the medical data of the subject.The researcher also , has to inform the subject regarding the use of the medical data and the way to protect the source of the data. The law passed on December 15 ,2015 did not mentioned this subject.Therefore , all the cases have to apply the current rules. The said issue shall be discussed in this theses. In the year of 2012, Taiwan had continued the personal data protection legislation process after delaying for two years and five months. It covers the court cases involving the release of personal data of medical insurance. It also covers the right of using and withdrawal of personal data for out of the proposed purpose. The researcher has to obtain consent from the subject prior to starting collection , using and receiving the medical data of the subject.The researcher also , has to inform the subject regarding the use of the medical data and the way to protect the source of the data. The law passed on December 15 ,2015 did not mentioned this subject.Therefore , all the cases have to apply the current rules. The said issue shall be discussed in this theses. This theses shall also discuss controlling of gathering personal data in EU’s personal data protection regulation which include the duty of providing data regarding the managing of research purpose , medical data and the managing of vital interest of medical data , the availability of identity of the subject , the unobtainable of consent from the subject , the abolishing of data and the necessity of protecting the unknown person’s data. The rapid development of the science technology bring out the advanced development of personal data protection. The new technology also increase the size and the co-use of data. It makes the private corporation and the public organization using the personal data. More and more persons publish their private globally. Technology, also, change the economy and social life. The cross border transferring of personal data has increased in high rate. The EU has provided proposed rules for personal data protection in 2012 with involved the use and withdrawal of medical data. It provided suggestion to the out of purposes research protection in our country.


7. 林鴻文,個人資料保護法,書泉出版社(2013)。
