  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using Multiple Representation Teaching: An Example of Science And Technology for The Ninth-Grade Students

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究主要在探討多重表徵教學法在國中九年級自然與生活科技領域課程 中的實施歷程,以及多重表徵教學對學生科學概念的影響,最後討論多重表徵教學在行動研究中遇到的困難與解決方法。 研究者透過行動研究的方式,於一百零四學年度使用(104年9月至105 年4月)多重表徵教學法於三十一名國中生的九年級自然與生活科技領域的課程中,對「直線運動」、「力與運動」、「力矩與轉動」、「電」、「電流的效應」和「生活中的電與磁」共六個單元進行教學,蒐集相關質性資料包含:學生晤談紀錄表、教師反省札記、教學影音與概念構圖,將資料蒐集之後進行分析。 本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 在力學、運動學、電學與磁學單元中,研究者使用大量的動畫將抽象的科學概念具體化,在力矩這個單元中則使用圖片與教具來說明各種簡單機械,最後用電子投影片的方式將各表徵呈現。 二、 動畫與影片可以協助學生建構科學概念,學生較容易將腦海中的動畫與影片內容轉換成文字表徵。 三、 利用文字運算式與圖像運算式可解決學生在科學計算中僅使用單一表徵的情形,學生也嘗試將題目情境用圖像方式呈現。 研究者建議未來教師在課堂上可使用多重表徵來呈現教學內容,但影片與動畫的時間不超過五分鐘為主,避免時間過長學生注意力分散,並將多重表徵教學法應用在不同的科目中。


This research mainly focuses on the instructional process of multiple representations teaching method in science and technology class for ninth-grade students, and how the process influences students’ science concept of science.Finally,the author will discuss the problems and solutions through the action research method. Thirty-one ninth-graders were taught by using multiple representations teaching method in the teaching of science and technology, according to the study carried out in2015 (from September 2015 to April 2016).The teaching units focused on the following six topics: linear motion , forces and motion , torque and rotation , electricity,current effect and life in electricity and magnetism. Qualitative data are comprised of the following parts: student interviews record table, teacher reflection notes, teaching videos and concept mapping were also analyzed after collecting these data. The results of this study are as followed: 1. The author use a lot of animations to embody the abstract scientific concepts in the mechanics , kinematics, electricity and magnetism . The variety of pictures and teaching models are used to illustrate simple mechanical in torque , and finally all contents are carried out by powerpoint. 2. Animations and videos can help students construct scientific concepts , students will be more easily to convert animations and video contents into text characterization. 3. We resolve the situation that students use only a single representation in scientific computing by applying text expression and image expression. Students also try to present problem situations through images. The author recommends that teachers could try to use multiple representations teachgin method in the class. However, the author would like to mention that, the video or the animation should not exceed more than five minutes,or it would distract students. The multiple representations teaching method can be used not only in the subject of science and technology, but also all the other subjects.


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