  • 學位論文


Development of Mobile System for Sales Department

指導教授 : 孫天佑 劉立民


隨著現代人們的生活習慣、網路電子設備以及上網方式的便利,現在大家幾乎都是人手一機,不論是筆記型電腦、智慧型手機甚至是平板電腦,不論是在等火車、搭捷運、坐計程車甚至是等紅燈,大家都可以隨時隨地的上網。如今的上網方式、時間、地點,都已經不像是以前,需要坐在電腦前。如何讓我們把這種便利性,應用到日常生活中,甚至是工作時,就是我們的目標! 使用HTML5、CSS、JavaScript、jQuery Mobile、PhoneGap再加上Parse雲端平台,就可以讓我們完成我們的目標:公司業務不需要攜帶大量紙張書本,僅需攜帶行動裝置,並且使用我們所開發出來的系統,即可順利完成工作。HTML5、CSS與JavaScript是已經被大家所熟悉的撰寫網頁所需的重要程式語言,而jQuery Mobile與PhoneGap則是近幾年才盛行的,而Parse也是新被開發出來的雲端平台。 所以當我們將這幾種方便的語言互相結合,並且加上自己的設計巧思,即可開發出一套系統,使的公司業務只需要一支可以使用網路的行動裝置,就可以輕鬆的完成工作。


As our daily habbit evolves, electrovnic network devices and the network itself are getting more and more convenient. Nowadays, almost everybody has some sort of smart devices available foe use, no matter it is a laptop, a smart phone or a tablet PC. Even when we are waiting for train, MRT, taxi or a just waiting for the stop light, we can easily get connected to the internet. We now no longer have to sit in front of our computer to access the network. Thus how to utilize this convenience in our daily life and in our work has become our main goal. By using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap and the Parse cloud platform, we can accomplish the following goal: company sales person no longer to bring along a vast amount of documents in paper form. All we have to do in to use our own smart device, and access the system that we are going to develop to complete our jobs. HTML5, CSS and JavaScript nowadays are important tools that we use to design our web application. jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap are increasingly popular in recent years. As for Parse, it is one of the newly appeared cloud platforms. By combining these convenient langguages and tools, we can easily develop our own system with some creative thoughts of our own. Then if we have just a smart phone with us, we can still use it to access our clould based system and complete our jobs with ease.


CSS JavaScript HTML5 PhoneGap Parse jQuery Mobile


16. 許哲倫 . 業務系統雲端解決方案 . 桃園縣 : (未出版之碩士論文)
6. JavaScript 教學 取自
1. World Wide Web Consortium,W3C
2. 9WalkerStudio 個人設計工作室 基礎HTML教學 取自



