  • 學位論文


Design of Portable Cloud Business Applications

指導教授 : 鄭子韋 孫天佑


隨著智慧型手機的普及,智慧型手機攜帶起來又比筆記型電腦容易方便許多,導致人手一機的情況增加,所以行動智慧的科技應用已經成為不容忽視的趨勢。從平板電腦與智慧型手機的熱賣,帶動正在急速擴張的軟體應用市場的商機,而軟體應用型態已經從傳統的Client–Server或是Web轉移到行動裝置之上。所以當雲端與行動裝置應用程式受越來越多人的歡迎,透過雲端、或手機、平板電腦等設備隨時存取、分享資源,Mobile手機Web網頁應用程式就成了一個重要的議題了。 建立了行動雲端辦公室App,就不用侷限於人必須在電腦前面才能收發開會通知,當主管、員工外出洽公、開會時亦可以利用空檔時間也能用在發公告甚至於工作指派以及工作回報上,這樣便更能善用時間,使得公司工作的效率提升。所以在本研究中將以Parse為後台,並以HTML5和JavaScript為介面,使用PhoneGap、jQuery與jQuery Mobile建立跨平台的Mobile手機Web網頁應用程式。


As smart phones are more and more widespread, and smart phones are easier to carry than notebooks, almost everyone has a smart phone available for use. Consequently, new innovations on become increasingly visible. The sky rocketing sales of tablet PCs and smart phones are greatly expanding the opportunities of the application software market. As cloud services and smart phones are more and more popular, how we can accessing and sharing resources on the cloud through the use of mobile phones and web applications become important issues. By developing a cloud based business application, people could no longer need to stay in front of their computers in order to read the meeting requests. When managers and workers are out of office, they can still use their spare time to read announcements or job assignments easily. In this way, we can make good use of our time and improve our work efficiency. In this report, we will explore how to use Parse as our backend, and to use HTML5 and JavaScript to construct interfaces, building a cross platform mobile web application based on PhoneGap, jQuery and jQuery Mobile.


[3]Parse JavaScript SDK。
[11]Introduction of JavaScript。取自http://www.pt.ntu.edu.tw/
[2]跨平台Android iPhone 程式開發 作者陳會安 2013年出版

