  • 學位論文


The Research on the Supply Characteristics of Condominium in the 7th Reconsolidated Area of Taichung City

指導教授 : 張謙允 朱政德


七期重劃區為台中市住宅發展的代表性區域之一。受到整體景氣變動與區域環境中土地政策、法規、公共設施規劃以及居住習慣等影響,使該地區住宅類型多元,不僅有都會區常見的公寓大廈類型,也有獨棟、雙拼等透天式型態。在居住規模方面,除一般中坪數之規劃,七期重劃區的新市政中心亦是大坪數集合住宅之主要發展地區。本研究企圖瞭解七期重劃區集合住宅的各項供給特性,採用文獻分析法與描述性統計分析法,對該區域之供給實態、建築計畫與住戶平面計畫等面向,進行時間軸、基地規模與室內空間規模等探討,期望建構出七期重劃區集合住宅供給發展脈絡的基礎研究資料。 研究結果顯示,整體而言七期重劃區【小規模‧多件數】的供給特性,並自2005年後逐漸往低建蔽率、高層化與大坪數的發展。此外,在住棟構成類型方面,呈現出少量化與低密度化之單純型態,住棟單元以【梯廳型】為主;住棟形態以【塔型】和【板型】為大宗;而住棟配置則以【單獨型】居多。最後,在住戶平面計畫部分,無論在積層式集合住宅或透天式集合住宅,皆以較具完整領域性的規劃方式為主流,各空間規模呈逐漸遞增之供給趨勢;尤其2005年後積層式集合住宅大坪數案例大增,也出現眾多減少二次設計浪費的無隔間案例。同時,研究亦發現,該區集合住宅在個室空間逐漸增加的情況下,將部分比例轉為浴廁空間,使其生活水準大為提升,但其他附屬空間配置較少,可作為未來規劃的考量。


The 7th Reconsolidated Area is one of Taichung City’s representative areas for housing development. Influenced by macro-economic forces, regional-specific land policies, local ordinances, and public facilities planning, as well as local population’s housing preferences, this area manifests a diversity of housing types. Not only does it have condominium buildings often found in Taiwan, but there are also single housing units, and semi-detached townhouses. In terms of apartment size, besides the medium size units, the 7th Area’s newly developed City Hall is also the focus for large-scale condominium buildings. This research attempts to understand the 7th Reconsolidated Area’s supply characteristics for condominium buildings by using document analysis and descriptive statistical methods. We investigate the various facets of the 7th Area, such as supply conditions, building plans, and dwelling units’ plans. By implementing time frame analysis, and exploring condominium buildings’ ground size and interior design usage, we hope to construct basic research framework for the supply developmental context for condominium buildings of the 7th Area. Research indicates that, in general, the supply characteristics of the 7th Reconsolidated Area small-scale multiple units have gradually developed into low coverage ratio, high-story, and large interior space condo units since 2005. Also, in terms of the composition of condo buildings, the trend is lesser units and low density simpler housing types; housing units mainly adopts the Hall Type; Housing modules are primarily characterized as Tower Type and Plate Type; and building configuration are mostly characterized as Single Building Type. Finally, in terms of dwelling units plan, whether it is Multistory Apartment Building (MAB), or row housing residential condominium plan, the mainstream design is a comprehensive type of planning and various types of spatial designs are increasing in supply. Especially since the stock of large interior space Multistory Apartment Buildings (MAB) has increased abundantly since 2005, numerous cases that are not partitioned and thus avoid wasting unnecessary time and cost by re-designing have emerged. In addition, this research finds that as interior space has grown for multistory apartment buildings, a sizeable portion of that growth has been converted into bathroom space, resulting in the improvement of living conditions; however this has also resulted in less spatial allocation for other ancillary usages. This can be considered for future planning purposes.


7.李家儂(2007)。容受力應用於都市地區建築容積總量管制之探討。土地問題研究季刊第6卷,3,82 - 97
