  • 學位論文


Appreciation of the 108-course syllabus for junior high school mathematics

指導教授 : 吳裕振


本論文是以教育部108課綱七年級之數學教材內容為主,我以自己任教及輔導補強過的班級,利用學生在課堂上的隨堂練習或者是回家作業及隨堂小考之作答情況,來分析學生作答國中數學之素養題型的情況,去看出學生們的觀念容易錯在哪兒?遺漏些甚麼? 我把試題做了分析和解釋,以期望改進自身的教學方式,並且在往後與校內其他數學老師進行課程共備及公開觀摩教學時將經驗分享給大家,如何引導及適時提醒學生,那些觀念是孩子們容易犯錯的地方。 研究者主要以108及109學年康軒出版社所提供之國中七年級數學素養題型為範本,進行實務分析,故本論文主要從數學科任課教師角度出發,依研究者任教之國中數學七年級教材內容為本體,以數學素養試題來進行課程內容,配合學生對素養題目作答情形,進行實務分析,期能據以掌握學生錯誤觀念與內容,進而調整教師教學內容與方式,以期符合學生個別程度與需求,有效提升其學習動機與成就感。


素養題型 108課綱


The research is based on the seventh graders mathematics literacy of junior high school of the curriculum guideline of 108. Using the answers they did at home or at school to analyze their mathematics literacy, and also to realize the misunderstanding they had. I analyze and explain those questions in order to improve my own teaching methods. I will share my experience with other math teachers during collaborative lesson preparation, open classroom observation. Try to remind students and to avoid the mistakes they tend to have. Use the seventh and eighth grade mathematics literacy which is provided by Kangxuan Press as a model to analyze. The paper mainly starts from the instructor’s perspective and depends on the content of the seventh grade mathematics textbook which was taught by the researcher. Analyze those test questions by using mathematics literacy, and try to understand the students’ thought and how they answer those questions. Conduct practical analysis, hoping to grasp the students’ misconceptions, and then adjust the instructor’s teaching and methods. Try to meet the individual levels and needs, and be possibly effective. Improve their learning motivation and the sense of accomplishment.


(一) 國中數學課本第(一)冊,康軒出版社(2019、2020)
(二) 國中數學課本第(二)冊,康軒出版社(2019、2020)
(三) 國中數學素養題本(一),康軒出版社(2019)
(四) 國中數學素養題本(二),康軒出版社(2010)
(五) 民國100年~108年國中基本學力測驗數學科試題
